Naughty JD

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Jan 27, 2007
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hes been out on the floor for the past hour or more running round enjoying his nutless life,then he disappears into the kitchen...and...he had climbed in with Angel and her babies and was laying down next to them,no humping just laying :o :o we just stood there all open mouthed,so he got put back in his cage for bein a naughty
Angels not the type of girl to let a boy anywhere near her nowdays after the babies etc but they just laid there and looked at us as if to say " leave us to rest " lol
her cage door is always open and shes allowed to do what she wants and when,its kinda funny in a way,nothing happened between them as it was only a second that it took him to climb in as we were watching anyway,maybe he just wanted company
but we can certainly tell hes over his knock out drops after his de-nutting ;)
I think thats lovely. Aw just what new Mummy needs on Mother's day, a friendly cuddle. I really do think thats lovely
well hes had his check up at the vets today and alls healing well,the vet was very pleased with how his neutering went

so he can soon go with his 4 new gf's ;)
he'll have no need to go creeping into Angels cage for a cuddle anymore
he was monged out for about 3 days then it was like he got a rocket up his ass,i cant keep him still lmao
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