Naughty Curly

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Our youngest piggy Curly (about 4 months old) was a tiny scared little thing when we first got him, however he is now huge and a bit aggressive! Is he the age when piggies go through adolescence?! if he smells another piggy on me he goes mad and starts popcorning/flipping about on my knee, and sometimes nips my hand!
Will he grow out of it with lots of handling? We were hoping to introduce him to Humphrey or Scruffy but he looked like he was going to attack Scruff the other day... Scruffy has cataracts and is a gentle little fella - I don't think we will be able to pair Curly up with him, we might try Scruffy and Humphrey, but I don't want either of them to get hurt. :(

Here's Curly the little monkey - he was the size of a hamster when we got him in October - is it possible for them to grow too quickly?

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Hi Katie

Yes, 4 months can be a bad time for the raging hormones, it could last up to a year or bit more. We've had a couple of pigs who have been awful at this age and acted the same as Curly, yet we've also had a couple sweethearts who have avoided that stage.

It's likely that he will eventually settle down, but I'm not sure I would pair him with another pig at this stage, he'll probably be just as happy next to a cagemate with a mesh divider for a while. With our stroppy teens we have done that and the mesh gnashing and rumbles do calm down after a bit, although our Big Bear does still have a good strut at Dylan every so often!
Well, he still may be! :)) although he probably will grow out of it, but be prepared for a battle for a while! Our little Scampy was a gentle little soul, but as soon as he hit about 5 months and we got Dylan next to him and Blaze, Scamp and Blaze fell out horribly and Scampy was unbelieveably stroppy for absolutely ages, so yes, they can just turn into little so-and-sos overnight!

You never know how they will react with other pigs though - with little sweetheart Scruffy he may sense his sight issues and either take advantage and beat him up, or be docile as anything...

Not sure about his growth - I'm sure he's a big happy piggie :)
Aww bless him.
I'm sure he will grow out of it, like already said its raging hormone time.
I hope he settles down for you :)

Awww Katie, what a monkey!

Timmy was like Curly, possibly worse. I could barely hold him he struggled so much, he nipped, scented, rumbled and generally was mental from age 6 weeks till about a year. Now he is lovely, not quite placid, but he loves his head scratches and adores Sunny who we paired him with about 15 months ago. He was about 7 months then I think, he will be 2 in Feb. Maybe having Sunny was a good influence as Sunny is quite placid :))
Oh dear - OH barely got away with his hand intact last night! Noticing approaching food, Curly was jumping up at his hand like a dog, then pounced on his hand, grabbed the veg and started shaking it about over his head like it was still alive and he was trying to shake the life out of it! :{ I think he thinks he is a wild boar or something! :...
LOL, our sweet little special needs pig Dylan does this sometimes - he rips at his veg like he's starved for three days!
Ah big, chunky, healthy boys!

Yep, Dylan is a sweetheart, but he's grumpy as sin sometimes...and he does love his veggies!
Well, Curly is bigger than ever now (for a5-month old!) and seems to be calming down a little bit thank heavens! Still savages his veg though and liktes to get my sleeve in his teeth and pull ... and he pongs! Will have to post some pics as he hasn't half grown... still wondering if he is half-weasel or something! :{
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