Naughty Boars and Water Bottle !

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon.
Two of my foster piggies Eddie and Ollie, are a complete pain in the bum with water bottles, they had a small one which required filling all the time but i could attach with a rubber band which was fine, but since i've bought a bigger bottle, i can't get a rubber band to fit around the way i used to have it, but with just the white plastic/metal thing fitted on to the cage they manage to throw it on the floor, they live in a hutch inside at the minuet, and it only has two lengthways metal across the door so i can't move it up or down, is there anything i can do to stop them from knocking it off,

I'm just worried as i come home and find it lying on the floor and i don't know how long through the day they've been without water because even while I'm putting it back on there cage there drinking as if they're really thirsty :/
Little monkeys! I used to have a similar problem with my rabbit. If they're knocking the bottle off by dislodging the white metal thing you could try using something like pipecleaner/ sandwich bag ties with more flexible metal wire running through the centre so that you can twist it right around the cage bars. Garden centres sell stuff like this on a roll to secure plants to posts etc.

Good luck!
Hi just a thought have * tried the farplast new pet generation sippy water bottle, it screws on through the wires of the cage and is held in place firmly.

what naughty littlt piggies :))
I've tried a screw on bottle thing, but the bars are really wide apart so it doesn't screw on properly it just slips off all the time :/
another naughty trick

One of my pigs occasionally empties his water bottle by gnawing on it, the contcnts are not drunk but just allowed to drip onto the floor. No idea why he does this, only happened about 3 times fortunately, i've seen him do it, thought he may be bored, so he has more tubes and shelters etc to play with now, so fingers crossed he won't do it again
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