Nathan And Jose... Teenagers Or Conflict?

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New Born Pup
Jul 26, 2016
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Hi, all...I've been reading great info on the site as a visitor since first we brought home Nathan in January, so figured it was finally time to join.

Here's the story: Nathan came home with a brother who bullied him, not letting him eat or relax, so we returned his brother and Nathan has been an only pig since. He has had plenty of attention, but seemed to be happiest when hanging out with our dogs and cats, popcorning with excitement when they got near. We took this as a sign that he wanted companionship, so we sought out a friend for him to rescue.

Enter Jose, the same age as Nathan (both approx 7 months), who was rescued from a situation where he was separated from the herd bc his father was bullying him.

In neutral space, they get along...with the occasional fluffing, head raising and nipping but nothing too worrisome. Their cages are side x side with a ramp that can join the two (each 2 x4)...we started with the gate closed and have been allowing periods of opened-gate time to get them to share space.

Here's the problem : Jose has no problem roaming freely and tries to play with Nathan. Nathan, on the other hand, seems to get stressed out when Jose enters "his space" and hides in his shelter and seems to get stressed out. I'm wondering of there's something we're not seeing when they're alone because, when we are in the room, they seem ok
..when we leave, Nathan hides. Today, I came back into the Piggie room after an hour of together time to Nathan squeaking strongly and found him UNDER the ramp with Jose on top of it!

So my question is: do you think this is just part of their teenager-y behavior or should we be concerned? We've bathed and cleaned their environment with natural cleaners to get rid of the scent but they both seem to know their own space.

Any tips are appreciated! I'm looking forward to learning more about all things Piggie on here!

By the way, here are the boys: Jose on the Left, Nathan on the right !
Your two boys are at the most difficult age for bonding at the moment. It is not quite easy to figure out whether you are dealing with an actual issue or a a bullying trauma from his previous experience. On the surface, it sounds like the two boys are getting on.

Make sure that both boars have got a hidey (if necessary with two exits), water bottle and a bowl, as well as unblockable access to hay; each item well away from the other. Feed veg and pellets in smaller portions that can be eaten in one go 2-3 times a day to minimise food bullying.

If you are worried that some sneaky bullying is going on, please trial separate as described in the link below, so you can find out whether Nathan is happier when he has a territory all on, but with shared roaming time and ideally constant interaction through the bars with Jose (we call those relationships "can't live with - can't live without", when boars are happier with their own territory, but still well bonded neighbours who grieve when losing their neighbouring mate.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thanks, Wiebke!

They each have their own food /water/hidey places (w/front& back exits) ...the funny thing is, unlike a lot of the bullying things I've read - they're happiest when there's food involved and don't fight over their dishes or hay.

I feel bad because when the barrier is up between them, they act like trapped inmates, going up to the bars and chewing lIke they're trying to get to the other!

I appreciate the feedback...we'll leave the barriers up for now to be safe...maybe it IS a can't live with /without situation. Maybe age will mellow them...we hope!
Thanks, Wiebke!

They each have their own food /water/hidey places (w/front& back exits) ...the funny thing is, unlike a lot of the bullying things I've read - they're happiest when there's food involved and don't fight over their dishes or hay.

I feel bad because when the barrier is up between them, they act like trapped inmates, going up to the bars and chewing lIke they're trying to get to the other!

I appreciate the feedback...we'll leave the barriers up for now to be safe...maybe it IS a can't live with /without situation. Maybe age will mellow them...we hope!

If they are both at the bars and chewing, then they do want to be together, so I would leave them sort it out between themselves. It sounds like a functional bond, and you have got your answer. I guess you have to take Nathan as he is due to his past experiences - but it doesn't mean that the is unhappy in himself. Just feeling happiest in a place he feels "safe".

My Terfel (rescued from a shed full of fighting boars) was similar - he was a lurker in the shadows, preferring to sleep in a cranny he could wedge himself in like between a hidey and the wall or under a ramp, but very happy in himself with a body guard of rambunctious cataract sows he did his best to keep at peace... It was just the way he was, and I loved him ( and still miss him very much!) for being who he was.
Thanks so much! I guess I was just more worried than normal after finding Nathan under the ramp but I suppose they need to work things out among themselves...dear lord, I sound like a guinea pig equivalent of a helicopter parent!

Terfel sounds like quite the boy - he was lucky to have you!
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