Nanight Quinn

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Littleborough, UK
Today we said goodbye to our ratty girl Quinn. She was an old lady at a very respectable 3 years old! She was my little cheeky girl right up to the end. After braking out of her cage like a squeaky houdini, we put her back in the old (brake proof) cage in the living room and she and Harley enjoyed a big fuss and extra nibbles.
Last night she was lay in the corner of her cage very still and cold but had little convulsions every now and then. Knowing it was too late for her, all I could do was sit up with her through the night and cuddle her until she slipped away peacefully this morning.
Nanight my cheeky little nibbler. We'll miss your happy tooth chatters and eye boggling so much.
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I am so sorry she was a gorgeous little girl. Massive hugs x

Sleep well pretty lady

RIP Quinn
x x
Wow, her photos really show how full of life she was! I'm sorry you lost her, 3 is a very good age for a rat.
Thanks everyone :)
I miss her loads already. Her cage mate Harley keeps looking for her which breaks my heart.
I'm just happy that she went peacefully and I hope we did everything possible to make her life a good and fun one.
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