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Dec 29, 2009
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Istanbul, Turkey
Do piggies learn their names?

I do call mine by their names but never had any response until today. I called Fudge and she came out of her house and looked at me...

Is it possible?
Oh, yes - they can also learn the names of their friends!

My boy started bawling when my sister happened to mention the name of his first lady weeks after she'd died and he was already living with another girl!
Thanks, I did think it might be coincidence! It was the way she came out and looked at me as if to say "What? How dare you disturb me" :))
When I got Nelly the hamster, her name was Stumpy. I was talking to her and Flumpet came out of her hidey quite expectantly (I often call her Flumpy, or even Grumpy Flumpy:(|)). I had to go and get her some parsley as she's made the effort.
I definitely notice that she comes out when I say her name now. She doesn't respond when I say Delilah... but then neither does Delilah... she's far to laid back to come when she's called. :(|)
Oh, yes - they can also learn the names of their friends!

My boy started bawling when my sister happened to mention the name of his first lady weeks after she'd died and he was already living with another girl!

Awwww that's so cute!
I started trying to give Carmina her own share of the veg because when her eyesight started to go she became quite uncertain, not coming forwards for her share very quickly, and the nicer food was all eaten by the time she got there - my piggies roam the conservatory. So I would call Carmina until she noticed and then place the food in front of her specially.

After a week or so the rest of the piggies, when I called out Carmina, would go whizzing towards Carmina expectantly and wait for me to put her food down! So yes, she knew her own name and they rapidly learnt that her name being called meant nice treats for her! I had to change tactics!
My new guinea pig was called Marco by the ISPCA inspector, so when I changed his name I called him Meeko to keep it similar, and he seems to respond to it! When I call him he comes out of his house and goes up to the cage bars and sticks his nose out. I'm not sure if he's just doing it anyway. I'll have to experiment by calling one of the others and seeing if he comes out anyway :)
Mine all know their names, and varitions of as mums a childminder so they get called a variety of similar sounding things. Heston for example wheeks his little head off if he hears Esther, Hester, Setston, Benson. It probably doesnt help that i usually callh I'm Hesty-Man.
I don't know about names but mine 3 certainly respond when it's time to come indoors from the garden. I lift their hidey area of their run and place their carrier next to it and say "piggy train" in a soft tone, they all in turn casually walk over one by one and jump into their carrier!

I've even moved the carrier further away from them and they still do the same thing. Friends of mine were amazed last weekend when I was bringing them in from the midday sun, they were doubled up in laughter. I'm attempting to get some video footage when it's safe to have grass again. It's a delight to watch.
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