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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta canada
I rescued 2 guineas, winter and cookie just last night. I noticed this morning winters nails are curled to the point where it will be painful by next month. I know they have a quick I need to watch for but if I clip a small amount weekly or so(no idea how fast or slow they grow) would the quick recede until the nails are a Normal length? She has some white nails and some black so I know I'll need a light source. Do I just cut the nails and treat the bleeding or will the quick go back slowly?
Little and often.You will really stress her out if you cut the quick.It would be very painful for her.Don't know how quickly it would recede.Sure someone else with more knowledge will tell you
I had one which was rescued in September & his nails were really long & twisted. I cut as much as I dared because he had black nails & you could see the quick. Luckily he went in for a neutering & cyst removal op & the vet cut them while he was knocked out. They are now just normal like the rest of my piggies.
We always have a styptic pencil on hand (can be bought at an old fashioned barbers or anywhere that sells shaving products) in case we accidentally cut too far down. Perils of black nails.
We've only nicked the quick once and I think it upset us more than the guinea.
Is there a special set of clippers to use? I read on a vet site, don't remember which, that having a paving stone can remove the need to clip often, or at all. Guess it's like a nail file.
Thx, the vet recommended putting water in the center of the stone, or having a treat tree there so they have to stretch for the goodies, thus all four paws end up on stone twice a day.
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