Nail cutting

The Law Pigs

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2020
Reaction score
So last week I was trimming my guinea pigs nails when on chandler I accidentally cut slightly too far down the nail! He squeeked loudly and I felt really bad. After he was calmed down I checked his nail and it was slightly bleeding but not majorly. A few days after I checked his nail and it has a little bit of dried blood on it but I touched it and cleaned it with a cotton bud and some water and he seemed fine and didn’t seek in pain or try and get away.( I looked at a tutorial before I got guinea pigs and the lady says it sometimes happens and not to worry!)

He seems fine now but I just want to check if I need to do anything?
As long as it stopped bleeding it’s fine. When cutting I trim off a little each time - all four of my piggies have black nails except for one! You can also keep some corn flour to hand. The times I’ve accidentally cut the quick I’ve dipped their toe in it. I always have it next to me when I’m cutting.
As long as it stopped bleeding it’s fine. When cutting I trim off a little each time - all four of my piggies have black nails except for one! You can also keep some corn flour to hand. The times I’ve accidentally cut the quick I’ve dipped their toe in it. I always have it next to me when I’m cutting.
Thanks but I have a question.. how does cornflour help
Only if the bleeding doesn’t stop.