Nail Clipping....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
I don't know who's more stressed. I've clipped my piggies nails for the 1st time. Surprisingly with a treat my boys were more content than I was. I was so scared of hurting them and still feel like a nervous wreck. They are happily playing in their cage.
I would like to hear other experiences how to go about this task and does it get any easier (for me).
Well done! It does get it easier (or perhaps you just get more confident). Having said that, I still hold my breath when cutting every one of my Frankie's black nails! Fortunately, in 7 years I have only accidentally nicked one nail!
That's really good going!. When you say you held your breath. I still think I'm holding mine hehe.... I guess you are right, you get confident the more you do something. Thank you.
The trick is little and often. You'll get the hang of it. What colour are their nails? My Marley has lovely white ones which are super easy to trim. Frankie's are a nightmare!
Well funny you bring that up. Majority of the nails are white but on one paw of Ginger they are all black. I only nipped the very ends off as I didn't want to go far down and get the wick. Any tips how to tackle the black ones?
Shining a torch underneath the nails can help you see the quick, but I agree that it is very tricky. I think that with practice you just get a better sense of how much to cut off. Clipping them on a monthly basis will also help to stop the quick from rising too far.
Well done! It does get it easier (or perhaps you just get more confident). Having said that, I still hold my breath when cutting every one of my Frankie's black nails! Fortunately, in 7 years I have only accidentally nicked one nail!
One of my piggies has got black nails - I hold my breath every time!
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