Nail Clipping- Herd Style

Oh the joys of nail clipping! Lol. Probably the most stressful time for my boys. Lovely video I love seeing them come up to you to see what's going on.
They know when I sit in there with them I've usually got something tasty on hand! Certainly not stupid little creatures :))
Fantastic piggys, love the way the sit to have their claws clipped. It's a two person job here, just as you go to cut they pull their feet away. Bribery with food doesn't work either they just look at us as if we think their stupid!
You make nail clipping look easy! It certainly isn't here! Definitely 2 person job here too! Christian has to be wrapped tightly in a towel with 1 paw poking out then we have to unwrap him and poke his other paw out and repeat until they are all done. Luckily I've managed not to be nipped somehow!
Cute vid! I’ve never tried clipping the piggies nails before, I always get the vet nurse to do it because i’m slightly scared of Coco’s stink eye stare which I know I will recieve in abundance if I start violating her precious tootsies. Such a diva that one :doh:
Nail clipping time for the herd tonight. Much bribery was required to get through all of them :D
New adoptee Dolly didn't need hers doing, but that didn't stop her having a good nosy at what all the commotion was about! @Merrypigs Sanctuary
Can you come and cut my pigs nails?:D I have to take mine to the vet and with 7 that's £70 a month which I think is a rip off.
Can you come and cut my pigs nails?:D I have to take mine to the vet and with 7 that's £70 a month which I think is a rip off.
:yikes::yikes: That's why I do mine with just some cheap toe nail clippers and a Tom to help. Oh and a towel to wrap up Christian! Have you got anyone who can hold them for you?
:yikes::yikes: That's why I do mine with just some cheap toe nail clippers and a Tom to help. Oh and a towel to wrap up Christian! Have you got anyone who can hold them for you?
I could ask my mum but they always pull their foot away and squeak which always makes me think I've hurt them.
I could ask my mum but they always pull their foot away and squeak which always makes me think I've hurt them.

Why don't you try what I do with Christian then? I wrap him up tightly in a towel so he looks like a Christian sausage roll with a paw poking out. I get Tom to hold Christian while I hold the paw and clip the nails. Then I unwrap Christian, sausage wrap him again this time with another paw poking out and repeat the process. He complains like mad as he hates his nails being clipped. His back feet are easier than his front only because his front feet are nearer to some very sharp teeth!
Lovely video you make it look so easy x
I'm probably going to draw a lot of hate here but I don't have trouble clipping any of the 26 piggies nails! Some are squirmier than others and a couple of them have black nails which takes a little longer so I don't make them bleed but it's relatively stress free.:raz:
I'm probably going to draw a lot of hate here but I don't have trouble clipping any of the 26 piggies nails! Some are squirmier than others and a couple of them have black nails which takes a little longer so I don't make them bleed but it's relatively stress free.:raz:
I'd like to see you try Christian's nails without being nipped!
Why don't you try what I do with Christian then? I wrap him up tightly in a towel so he looks like a Christian sausage roll with a paw poking out. I get Tom to hold Christian while I hold the paw and clip the nails. Then I unwrap Christian, sausage wrap him again this time with another paw poking out and repeat the process. He complains like mad as he hates his nails being clipped. His back feet are easier than his front only because his front feet are nearer to some very sharp teeth!
That's a good Idea.Ill try that when they next need doing x