Nail clippers.


New Born Pup
Aug 22, 2021
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So Recently before I left for vacation I looked up how to trim you’re guineas pigs nails, Watched the video. My first attempt I distracted my guinea pigs with a banana it didn’t work well for my boar, But the sows it worked fine. I still haven’t managed to clip their nails fully because They nip my hands and squeak as if they are in pain, I don’t know if this is because I don’t hold them as often or if they just hate it. (I know not to cut on their blood vessels and only on the white part). Any tips to help them stay still when clipping their nails? I really don’t want them to overgrow. I also do not want to spend a whole lot of extra money for a vet to do it, it’s a lot of stress on my piggies to do that also.
Here is the guide to clipping nails on the forum.

Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

Piggies can be a bit dramatic about nail trims. I have one that cries the whole time and will not eat any treats till he is back in his house. My other piggy is much quieter and will stay still most of the time. Could you have someone help you while you trim their nails? It sometimes helps if you have a wiggly piggy if you have two pairs of hands.
The guide above is excellent! :)
To add -
Fruits should only be given in very small quantities and only very occasionally as treats, as they are sugary. Try slicing up a bell pepper or some lettuce/kale to distract them. I find that cutting nails is easiest with two people (one person holds the piggy while the other snips the nails). Do you have someone who might be able to help you with this? You also need to keep in mind that guinea pigs are prey animals, so the nipping and squeaking is likely due to fear, not discomfort. This guide might help you, as well - Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips
If you look up Saskia on YouTube she has another really good nail trimming guide :) hope it helps