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Mystery illness/Possible depression


New Born Pup
Jan 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Apologies but this is probably gonna be a long one! I’m just looking for some advice on my girl Dizzy and to see if anyone has had any similar experiences.

Dizzy lost her cage mate Panda almost 2 weeks ago. Panda had been unwell for a while and unfortunately we never found out what was wrong. She passed after having been to the vets for blood tests and we decided to not go ahead with having her bloods tested as money is pretty tight at the moment.

Dizzy seemed fine initially after Panda’s passing, I took her to the vet a few days after just to have her checked over before I started looking for another friend for her, and my vet couldn’t find anything wrong with her. She then started to go a bit downhill, she wasn’t eating as much and became rather quiet. To me it was clear she was lonely so I quickly started looking for another piggy, she now has a new piggy friend called Olive. It’s just shy of a week since we got Olive, and Dizzy still doesn’t seem right. She definitely perked up initially when they first met but now she’s back to being very quiet and she will often take her self away to a corner and face the wall. She also seems rather itchy and fidgety. Her appetite seems okay, her weight is slightly down but nothing too drastic (have been weighing her daily) and her poops seem normal apart from some of them have a small string on the end. She would usually do absolutely anything for a pea flake but now she won’t eat them.

I took both Dizzy and Olive to my vet again on Thursday as I also have my concerns about Olive’s weight (she’s tiny) but once again my vet couldn’t see or feel and signs of any illness in either of them. Dizzy has been limping on one of her legs, so we have had her on metacam for the last few days, her limping has improved but her overall mood hasn’t.

Basically I’m just looking for some insight/advice on what we could do next. Is it possible Dizzy is still grieving Panda? Just to add to it all I’m going away in a week for a whole month to visit my family in New Zealand, so I’m pretty stressed about leaving her when she’s clearly not well. My mother in law is watching all my pigs for me but she’s not super clued up on guinea pig care…

If you’ve made it through all of this, thank you! Hopefully someone has some ideas on where to go from here x