I Googled 'baby skinny pig' and they are so cuuute! They look such charactersOhh a teeny tiny skinny pig, how gorgeous!
Yes she is
Gotta love the triple FP's!Haha, love that 'Furless Fuzzy-face Potato" She's the FFFP!
I'd love to have one, but I think it'd be cruel to keep the poor thing outside in winter. So I'll stick with the furry potatoes for now.
Maybe I'll get a spynx cat... I could put a little sweater on it too...
My piggies are indoors so I can look after one for you However, I will have to house them in a custom fitted shed in spring though D: I'd love a skinny :3
Have you seen Friends?
I love Friends! (If your talking about the show of course ) I almost named Dexter 'Chandler becuase I have one named Joey. I'm still thinking about it haha.
So do I! Remember Rachel's cat?
I love the name Chandler aha. Dexter is still purty though!
Ahhhh! An inside out cat! How perfect Now I definitely need one! Though the two cats I have don't even like each other and I'm waiting on goats. So maybe I should wait awhile hehe.
Ahhhh! An inside out cat! How perfect Now I definitely need one! Though the two cats I have don't even like each other and I'm waiting on goats. So maybe I should wait awhile hehe.