My two girls! Help please?

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Hi, just wanting a bit of advice, we got two female guinea pigs ( sisters, 10wks ) on Sat and they are slowly getting used to us and their new home, but when Daisy is out eating the veg and Maisy comes out she has started running at her when she goes to get any veg, is this normal, or should I be worried?
Thanks in advance!

Is Maisy running at Daisy or the other way around? I know my girls have a definite pecking order. If Amber wants food and one of the other two is in the way or has what she wants she'll happily shove them over to get what she's after!

I think so long as they both get to eat they'll work it out between them. One of them will end up the "hench" piggy and just be the boss! Just keep an eye on them andmake sure the "shoving" isn't any more than just that.
Thanks for that, it is Daisy who is already at the veg that is running at Maisy when she trys to get any, but Maisy is eating plenty of hay so I think it should be fine! I will keep an eye on them.
hehehe i think you may well have a dominant little sow who likes these vege treats and aint sharing >:D
just like sisters and lollies.they prob didnt get much veges at the pet store and so they are sooooooo yum!
Sounds normal to me they really are worthy of the name PIG. I have one who comes out 1st and lays across the food in an attempt to keep it all for himself but the other just goes round behind and pulls out his share
You could try putting the normal veggies out and then a few nearer to Maisy when Daisy isn't looking.

It sounds like you have a greedy dominant sister there - it is just pecking order. You could, as MintyAndGarry said above, give Maisy a few extra treats when she is out alone with you.
Thanks everyone! Maisy is beginning to tuck in even if Daisy isnt happy about it so we seem to be getting there!
i have 2 swts of 3 girls

my lilly lives with her 2 doughters (ruby and poppy)she happily head buts or nips thier bums where they are in her way at feeding time. Lilly also has another doughter called amber (ruby and poppys sister who used to live with them but lilly didnt like her (i dont know why) and when amber lived with lilly she allways pushed her away and didnt get much food at all so put put her in with my older 2 girls and she dose fine in the other cage now and gets her share of food and has a fat tummy now but holly who she lives with now heads butts her when she in her way too but just to move her out of the waybut stil lets amber get her share of food.

and lilly still dosent like amber as all the girls ahre the same run i see her somethimes nip ambers bum for no reason.
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