My two boys, from a newbie :)

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Hello from a piggie novice :)

I'm so happy to have found this place!

Recently we rescued two male piggies (year old brothers). They have a lovely big hutch and very large enclosed run (totally cat etc proof) Their sleeping area is full of hay and wood shavings, lino lined, they also have wood shavings down in the open part, lots of hay, food, fresh water etc.

They are understandably shaken by their move, (just over a month ago) so I was wondering if there is anything I can do to aclimatise them, help them settle in? They have boxes and tubs to hide in in their run, and although they run about quite happily munching on apples, grass, dandelions and carrots, they are still very nervous. I have been handling them every day, but to be honest, they still HATE it, and wheeeek loudly. Brian is the more adventerous of the brothers, whereas Bob is so timid, bless him, (Named after Charlie's favourite story 'My Best Friend Bob, if anyone knows it! ). Brian actually bit me (quite gently) today whilst holding him - I feel so awful, as though I am traumatising them! I already love them so much, and spend quite a while sitting down and nattering to them (they will now pinch food from my hand!)so I would really appreciate any advice you can give me to make my boys happy.

Thanks :) :) :)
Helloooo and welcome to the forum!

I'm sure they'll get used to you and their new surroundings soon - give them time  O0 
Dont creep around them is the best advice I can give. Just do everything as normal and they'll soon get used to all the new sounds and they'll know they are not threatening. They'll make much tamer piggies in the long run. Talking to them in a babyish way always helps too! I like to think so anyway! Just let them know you are around  ;)

See you around the forum... hope you enjoy it here!
Hi, and thanks :) Well with my two (real!) boys around there is no chance of creeping around, and they are slowly becoming less skittish - it's just the hating of being handled that concerns me, but I suppose this is normal. Am I expecting too much after just over a month?
Dont worry, it will take them a while to settle but they should be fine O0

My boar harry will occasionally nip me if I'm holding him in a way he doesnt like or if he wants to go back in his cage/on the grass :)

Welcome to the Forum! :D
they will be fine, just takes a little time. soon they will be running to greet you. saying "feed me mummy",
Welcome to the forum, congratulations on you new guineas and well done for rescuing them. O0 It can take quite a while for guineas to settle into their new environment, especially if they are rescues. My advise to you is firstly to just go out to the hutch a few times in the day and just open the door to check on them, talking whilst approaching and checking on them. Secondly put them in a run/ room enclosed area and just sit with them, talking from time to time (this is so they feel comfortable in your presence and they get use to your voice). Thirdly handle them little and often and once they are O.K. with being handled five - ten minutes at a time build the time up. A couple of tips don't grab them from above, this will not help as this is where their predators would attack from. Hand feeding is also good to try to form a bond and so is bathing, however, the guineas have to trust you to a certain extent before attempting to bath them otherwise it is to stressful. They may always run away from as it is their natural instinct. Hope this has made sense and helped. :)
When I first got my guineas, I would sit beside the cage with my hand sitting inside, completely still (or as much as I can manage). Sudden movements startle them, with them being natural prey animals. They would begin to get used to my hand being in their presence and would move about more.

Give them some time too. They are still trying to adjust to their environment.

And, as an add, they may always be a little shy. I have heard that some rescues have problems adjusting after having a difficult life before their new owners.
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