My two boars fell out, I'm not sure whether or not to try them together again.


New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2023
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Hello! I have 2 rescued males, Roger and Brian, who have been bonded since before 6 months. I have had them about 12 months, they are now about 18 months. In June we went through the asserting dominance phase and got through that OK, with Roger seeming to be the dominant male. They have a 5x2 cage with a loft. Then a few weeks ago, Brian had quite a large wound about the size of a 10p on his belly. We saw two vets, neither of whom thought it was a fight wound, more that he had cut himself on something. They live in our living room and we were not aware of any fighting. But Roger had a scab on his head and so we kept an eye on them. Roger then got a wee cut above his eye, again no signs of anything wrong but Brian, who was always less dominant started showing more dominant traits, I felt. Then one night when we were just sitting watching telly it all kicked off, no warning, just the two of them rolling about the cage. Brian's ear got ripped a little and they've been separated since, this was a week ago. They've been living side by side for a week, everything seems to be OK. They are both often up at the bars to see each other, often chewing the bars or trying to dig underneath to get through. They both seem happy enough, Brian is maybe a bit quiet. I feel that maybe they were fighting as Brian was in pain with his wound, it took two weeks to heal. My question is, should I try them back together again and if so, what is the best way to approach this? Their cage has now been extended to 6x2 and split in half. They have been on our laps together for a few minutes and all OK, but I'm concerned about leaving them for any length of time together. They have 2 lofts now, which we can keep, even if they go back together.
:wel: and I’m sorry to hear of their fall out.

I'm afraid after an actual fight and injuries, reintroduction is not going to be possible and we would not recommend you try. Their bond is sadly broken and they need to remain separate permanently.
If you were to attempt a reintroduction, it is most likely to result in another fight. Once a bond is broken, they don’t change their minds about each other. Best they are kept separated at all times now.

Behaviours between the bars are not indicative that they want to or can be together again. Such behaviours at the bars are territory marking behaviours (not friendly/wanting to be together behaviours) .

I have a fallen out boar pair myself so you have my sympathies. Their bond broke down when they were 18 weeks old (having been together since they were 6 weeks old). They’ve lived separately but side by side for almost a year now.
I also have a happily bonded pair of boys who are 5 1/2 years old.
Hello, and thanks for replying! I was afraid that was going to be the answer. Can they have any time together, maybe lap time or something? Edit, sorry, just reread your post and realised you've already answered that 😕
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

You may find the above thread useful.
I have 2 boars who live side by side in a divided cage. They lived together for 2.5 years before they fell out, they had a rolling ball fight like yours. They are happy living like this it has taken all the tension out of being together. They look for each other, chat, pinch each other's hay through the divider and have daily rumble struts.
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

You may find the above thread useful.
I have 2 boars who live side by side in a divided cage. They lived together for 2.5 years before they fell out, they had a rolling ball fight like yours. They are happy living like this it has taken all the tension out of being together. They look for each other, chat, pinch each other's hay through the divider and have daily rumble struts.
Thank you! I had read some of the threads already, can't remember if it was that one! I've been reading a lot in the last week! That sounds like my two now actually. Roger is very active still, he always was the more fidgety of the two. Brian seems OK, just a bit quieter. If I didn't have 2 others living underneath them, I would have tried to bond them with someone else, as we have a good rescue near us. But thanks for replying!