My sows have suddenly ganged up on the oldest. Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2015
Reaction score
I have five adult sows that have gotten along beautifully for the past 2 years. Snorkmaiden, aka Snorkie, is the oldest. She is at least 5 years old, but possibly 6, since I adopted her after she was abandoned at a pet store.

Snorkie has lived with her four “sisters” for the past 2 years and everything was peaceful until now. It all started with some health issues. Snorkie was treated for a URI, and then for an ovarian cyst, but we did not separate her from the herd throughout these issues because we didn’t want to throw off the hierarchy. (She is now healthy besides some age related arthritis.)

So after all that, most of the other sows have started picking on Snorkie. The dominant sow, Yasha, being the worst offender of them all- Yasha chases her away from food and water, lunges at her, chitters at her, and sometimes mounts her. I have found scabs all over Snorkie’s body as a result of these clashes. So now, poor Snorkie hides all day and night in her castle. She has lost weight because she is too scared to come out for food, and reacts fearfully when the other pigs are near. The only kindness she receives is from us, and her closest pig friend, Mymble, who has not bullied her nearly as badly as the others, if at all.

I’m really struggling with what to do. The girls live in a spacious custom cage that we built just for them but she just stays in one spot all day. She hardly moves so she ends up sitting in her own waste and we have to bathe her regularly. When we went to a vet to see about her weight, the vet advised us to separate her from the herd. It breaks my heart to think of her being alone, though. So here’s what I’m thinking and I’d love any input:

Option 1. Separate Snorkmaiden by adding a partition in the pig cage so she can see be around the other sows but not be in danger of being attacked. She will have her own food, water, hides, toys, everything.

Option 2. Separate Snorkmaiden with Mymble and leave the other 3 girls together. Downside to this is Mymble is bonded to the other 3 girls and I would hate to put them through all that stress and then risk them not getting along if I have to reintroduce Mymble at a later date.

Option 3. Do nothing? Maybe add some more food and water resources and hope this storm passes? Stresses me out just thinking about it. ): Snorkie is frail and elderly and I just don’t want her to endure this stress and fear any longer.

What isn’t possible is adding another pig. I simply don’t have to space or resources for a 6th sow.
How old is Yasha? And how long has the behaviour been going on for? Is she in season by any chance? Sometimes they can have a really strong one. Have you ruled out any medical issues? Does she only do it to Snorkie, or the others to a lesser degree as well?

If she’s not coming out that’s really not good for her. I think separating her and keeping her with Mymble could possibly be better for her. You can still keep them alongside the others.
I’m sorry to hear this.

How old is Yasha? Is this a consistent behaviour? Is Yasha behaving as if she is in season all the time which can be a sign if ovarian cysts so is she in the age range for that to be a possibility?

Do you know where Snorkie comes in the hierarchy?

If their bond has actually fallen apart and she is now struggling to be living with them (which it sounds as if she is), then separating her is what would be needed. She can either be separated alone and kept side by side or separated with a friend (which would be the preferred option)
I would be separating at this point. Otherwise snorkie is not having a good quality of life. If she is not getting bullied by the others then I would separate her with a friend.
Is she poorly now? I only ask as pigs can sometimes react badly to a Poorly herd member.
How old is Yasha? And how long has the behaviour been going on for? Is she in season by any chance? Sometimes they can have a really strong one. Have you ruled out any medical issues? Does she only do it to Snorkie, or the others to a lesser degree as well?

If she’s not coming out that’s really not good for her. I think separating her and keeping her with Mymble could possibly be better for her. You can still keep them alongside the others.
Hi! Thank you you for responding. Yasha is 2 years old. She has been bullying for the past few months, and it’s very directed at Snorkie. Her sister Beau is also being a big bully too. So it almost seems the herd has turned against Snorkie. But not Mymble. She’s always been more closely bonded with Snorkie anyways.
I would be separating at this point. Otherwise snorkie is not having a good quality of life. If she is not getting bullied by the others then I would separate her with a friend.
Is she poorly now? I only ask as pigs can sometimes react badly to a Poorly herd member.
Hi! Thanks for your response. Snorkmaiden isn’t acutely ill right now, but she is frail because of her age. She has arthritis. :(
that’s awful for lovely Snorkie - all the advice and comments are answering your query - I think Snorkie and Mymble will be happy and settled together 🥰
I’m sorry to hear this.

How old is Yasha? Is this a consistent behaviour? Is Yasha behaving as if she is in season all the time which can be a sign if ovarian cysts so is she in the age range for that to be a possibility?

Do you know where Snorkie comes in the hierarchy?

If their bond has actually fallen apart and she is now struggling to be living with them (which it sounds as if she is), then separating her is what would be needed. She can either be separated alone and kept side by side or separated with a friend (which would be the preferred option)
Hi! Thanks for your input!
Yasha is 2 years old. She’s always been very dominant, but it’s gotten very directed at Snorkie lately. Yasha’s sister Beauregard is also harassing Snorkie pretty badly. I’ve considered getting Yasha checked for an underlying illness, but she isn’t bullying anyone else.

Also, Snorkie has always been the lowest ranking member. She is already naturally shy. But even so, the other girls were never as aggressive with her as they are now.

I’m considering letting Snorkie and Mymble have their own floor time to watch for any signs of bullying tonight.