my son and police

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Jan 23, 2006
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wiating here after giving a statement to the police that my son came round despite him not being allowed to threatning Mick my hubby he said he would kill him and run him off the road as Mick is a driving instructor its serious stuff apparently my sons car got impounded this morning becasue his bitch of a wife with no licence was caught driving it, yet he would prefer to blame us particularly Mick as he is an ex copper and still knows a lot of the police here, he thinks Mick reported her well he didn't but should have to be honest, as she had the 2 girls in it with her, and is now loose looking for hubby the police are out looking for him and Mick has 999 wiaitng on his phone in case he sees him, how can such a sensative lad go so bad , I know its her family but I brought him up with good morals, I just need to know that I did do right its been going on, on and off for 5 years and is making me ill, my stomach ulcer is playing me up the rest of the family are mad as hell and I feel well thats it I dont know what I feel anymore , :'( need some serious piggy time here maybe move into their sheds for permanant piggy cuddles, just needed to get it down the kids are being picked up from school by Liams girlfriend luckly both her and Liam was here with me when he came here this morning,
<hugs> darling, this is so so sad for you and the family...
You did everything right as a mum O0, you've bought him up to have moral and ideals, but honestly now Michelle no matter what you do or say, he's a grown man and he'll do what he wants or is told to do :tickedoff: Yes it's that 'woman' in his life i'm sorry it's turned out like this :'(
Wishing you all the very best :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
So sorry to hear that your son is causing you such heartache, you have tried your best (better than a lot of parents), Keep your chin up and hope that he comes to his senses before too long.
just phoned the courts and am having an injunction taken out agianst him and her also phoned our solicitor to change our wills he will no longer get any money becasue she would then get some of it ( over my dead body , well it would be wouldn't it) so the 2 girls get it on the executors agreement which is my eldest and sensible son Stuart, no way on earth will that thing gain anything of ours so she has just lost him a fortune, I feel better for doing it now, got to go and sign it all yet so will be looking over my shoulder, my brother just came round and he is like Phil Mitchel big and round and a real Essex boy mentality ( tough) I had to calm him down he was so mad at the pair of them, at least I know I'm loved by the rest of my family, thanks for your kind words and assuring me i did the right thing, hope so :'(
aww I'm so sorry all of this is happening! :( it totally sucks! hope it all works out for you :) I believe your doing the right thing :)
I'm so sorry all this crap is happening to you,I wish I could help :'(
I hope he can see in time how horrible his wife is and what it has cost him to end up losing his family over.
kellyandpiggies said:
I hope he can see in time how horrible his wife is and what it has cost him to end up losing his family over.

thats what I'm hoping Kelly
michellemuffin said:
thats what I'm hoping Kelly

We're doing the same, well not entirely the same. But my bother has 2 kids with his girlfriend. Been with her for about 5 years now and has been in so much trouble since being with her.

He got arrested the other night and wont see how her family is to blame. They truly are!

Right now, blood is a bit thicker and will listen to what I say so hopefully things can get sorted.

So am hoping all this trouble might make your son see sense
awww Hugs to you - At the end of the day, they grow up and he's a grown man now.... :(

You've done the right thing x

/hugs xx
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