My sisters pet portraits

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Mar 12, 2007
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I think my little sister is really talented, she painted these and she is going to paint a portrait of my piggies for me...I am so excited, I can't wait!
What do you think?

This is Mitzi, my mums cat who went to rainbow bridge a few years ago :'(

This is Duke, also playing at rainbow bridge :'(

This is my mums friends cat, Mio, another rainbow bridge pet

Sorry they have come out a bit small, hope you can see them ok!
There lovely, she really does have a talent, which I could do something like that.
:o They are brilliant, she is really talented. I would without a doubt buy something like them. :)
I will post pics of my piggies when she has finished. She is very busy at the moment as her and her hubby are trying to get their place on the market, so I hope she finds time :-\
oh wow i love them,ive always wanted someone to do one of our dog,we have a big one of our last dog that my cousins ex hubby did but cos hes an ex i cant get another
Well, she does do them for people, so I could ask her if you like? All she would need is some good photos, what size you would like and what you wanted it painted in eg watercolour, guache, oils etc.....she could give you a quote and see if you want to go from there?
lavenderjade said:
Well, she does do them for people, so I could ask her if you like? All she would need is some good photos, what size you would like and what you wanted it painted in eg watercolour, guache, oils etc.....she could give you a quote and see if you want to go from there?

that would be totally awesomeage!
and she can paint it in whatever she wants or is easiest
Id love something around 18" x 12 or whatever it would be?
ill have to send some pics of him ;)
Sure! My email addy is on my profile. I will forward them to her and see what she says. I know her, she will only charge to cover paints and stuff, she just loves painting :smitten:
I will tell her all your nice compliments, she will be chuffed ;D
She is really good. Didnt you show me one of her paintings when i came up to your mums before?
Thanks everyone :D I just wish she would get on with painting my piggies ;D
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