my sis in laws applying for PAH managers job

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Jan 23, 2006
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rememeber me saying they are opening a store on the Isle of wight well my sis in law Sabrina is going to apply as manager, I said well if you do I will be making some noise if the animals are not kept to my liking she said I'd have to employ you then , could be fun she knows where animals are concerned I would do anything and nothing would surprise her lol
Crikey what an oppertunity to show them how its really done. You HAVE :D to get a job there!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - or a Michelle scroned when it comes down to small furries!

I think this is all round great news- if your sister in law gets the managers job, & even if you don't work there your input from the beginning will be fantastic. The Islands pets will be living a better life if that the only P@H there....god I'm rambling
I'd walk right out with piggys under each arm and under my clothes if i had to lol Sabrina knows what I'm like and would ask my advice anyway, she use to be a vet nurse but I know more about pigs then she does so she says,
Gosh this could be interesting :o

Actually i hope she gets this job and tells them and advises them what to do properly and then they'll all learn,
well i can hope can't i ?

We can hope that the s-i-l (sister in law) thing has rubbed off :) Go Sabrina you show them pls :-*
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