My senior piggy doesn't get along with his new friend - what should I do?


New Born Pup
Dec 11, 2019
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A week ago I bought two (now) 8 week old piggies (both boars) to live with my old man, 5 year old Sisu. At first, everything was great. All three got along very well and the newbies, Sipsi and Sipuli basically adored Sisu and he liked them. But then, couple days later, something happened. Sipuli started to chase Sisu around their 3x6 c&c cage and Sisu chattered his teeth very loudly to him. This went on for awhile and because it seemed that Sisu would soon lose his mind, I let him out of the cage. At night I put him into his factory-made cage so he could at least sleep in peace. For the next few days I tried putting him in the cage but the outcome was always the same: him chattering his teeth and running away from Sipuli, looking stressed af. One time he even opened the cage by himself to run away from Sipuli - I mean, how strong can a piggy be?! The funny thing is, they could still eat together without any problems but as soon as they're done, the chasing started again.
Then I thought that maybe he just needs time to adjust his new life; the fact that gone are the days when he was the only one running on these floors and eating all the parsley I carry from the store, so I moved his cage next to the c&c cage. Now they all can see, hear and smell each other but Sisu won't be as stressed as he was when Sipuli constantly chased him.

Sipuli tries to make contact with Sisu all the time but Sisu just chatters his teeth and runs away if Sipuli comes too close (actually I think that's not the real case, but rather that Sipuli sends some signals to him that I just don't see 😅). Anyway, I have no clue what to do next. How long should I keep them separate? Or did I f*cked up when I took them apart in the first place? Is this normal or is this a sign that Sisu and Sipuli just don't have the chemistry and won't be able to live together? I didn't expect the dance for the dominance to be THIS rough if that's what this is. I've read every locked post related bonding and dominant behaviour, I've checked and read every link that's suggested on those posts that could be related to my situation, but I'm still lost. Could someone please explain in plain English to me what the heck is going on. Is there something I can do or something I definitely must not do before I could try to introduce them again? Aaargh I feel like I'm the one who's the most stressed at the moment.

By the way, I treat Sisu as he's the leader of the pack. I feed and pet him first, fill up his water bottle first etc if that's any help in this situation.
Hi and welcome

Unfortunately, it sounds like a failed bonding to me. Please be aware that when you allow boars to choose each other during rescue dating, it takes on average between 1-3 candidates to find 'Mr Right' with which your single boy vibes irrespective of the age.

In your case, you have a very dominant youngster and submissive oldie, which is not a good combination.

There is nothing you can do change personality and outlook, as little as you can change human people. this is the reason why no trick in the world can make piggies live happily together that don't vibe as little as any arranged marriage will become a happy one if the people entering it are not suited.

Please keep your boys next to each other but with a divider.

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next? (This is happening a few weeks earlier than it would have most likely otherwise considering that most boar trios fail, especially those with a high number or all out sub-adult boars. The last chapter lists all your options in detail; they are the same after a failed bonding as after a fall-out/fight.)

I am very sorry that your good intentions have sadly not worked out!
I’m afraid you’ll have to keep them separately now. Piggies don’t do play dates and find it stressful. Will you be able to find the older boar a friend? Boar dating is the beat way to go as then he can choose his own friend. Good luck and we’d love to see some photos of your three ☺️