My Poorly Derek X

amber horner

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 7, 2016
Reaction score
So my cheeky chunky Derek is feeling a bit under the weather trip to the vets as he was losing his fur on his back he's had skin samples sent to the lab to see if it' ringworm or not but vets is treating it as it is to be on the safe side he needs to cream on his bald spots twice a day so extra treat for my poorly Derek just breaks my heart I can' give him kisses as he loves kisses and cuddles x




Ahhh I’m sorry to hear Derek’s poorly. What a cute face he has. Hope vet confirms what it is & you get the right treatment. I’ve not personally experienced ringworm but I know it’s nasty. (Does he have a piggy friend & is he ok?) Big hugs to you & Derek x
Ahhh I’m sorry to hear Derek’s poorly. What a cute face he has. Hope vet confirms what it is & you get the right treatment. I’ve not personally experienced ringworm but I know it’s nasty. (Does he have a piggy friend & is he ok?) Big hugs to you & Derek x
Awww thank you yeah he has his partner in crime Dave and Dave is being treated as well as a precaution poor Derek he just looks so sad sometimes currently online shopping for some treats to cheer them up here' a pic of his partner in crime Dave lol x

Ahhh I thought he had a friend called Dave but couldn’t quite remember. I hope both boys are soon on the road to recovery :love: xx
:love: handsome chap

Awww poor little dude! Sending love an healing vibes.

Is it hair loss on his back? Has he been treated for mites?
:love: handsome chap

Awww poor little dude! Sending love an healing vibes.

Is it hair loss on his back? Has he been treated for mites?

He' being treated for ringworm as a precaution until the vets get the skin samples back from the lab he' so sad at the moment he' just following Dave around and Dave must know Derek isn' feeling well as Dave is letting Derek sleep on his favourite blanket x
Awe those lips! :drool:

Poor little munchkin, get well soon buddy xx
How is Derek @amber horner? I keep thinking of that sad little face. X

Awwww bless u he still looks so sad still haven' got lab results back yet so I'm going to call them tomorrow I don't think it is ringworm as I haven' caught it but I could be wrong he just seems so sad he just follows Dave around and wants to lay next to him x
Thank you all vet has called this morning it' not ringworm thank God and it's not mites but they don' know what it is the cream they gave me have helped his hair grow back a little on the smaller bald spots but the 2 big bald spots no hair is growing back vet said to take him back if I'm still worried hmmm think I need a second opinion what do you guys think x
Yep second opinion is required. At least doesn't appear to be ringworm. There is a vet locator at the top of the page.
Relieved it' not ringworm gave them both lots of kisses and cuddles today yep going to get a second opinion there' a cavy specialist in my area going to call them today x