My Pigs

Hello! It is always lovely to meet new people and their piggies on the Forum!
Lovely selection of your pigs!
What do you have - sows, boars or mixed groups?
Where do you keep them all?
Who have we got featuring in the pigtures please. We like lots of pigtures! I like to put names to gorgeous piggies!
I spy a few more candidates for the stripey nose club
That's what Dennis thought too! That's why I needed to know their names so I can pass them on to Dennis who can then invite them to join.

@Kellybennett Dennis is the self appointed chairpig of the Stripey-nose Club and would like to invite all your piggies with cool white striped noses (big or small, long or short, narrow or wide) to join his exclusive club. All that is needed is for you to post their pictures with names on his thread for confirmation that they have white stripey noses and he will issue then with membership cards. It is a very popular club. The benefits of which are bragging rights over non-white-stripey nose pigs and extra hay and pellets which members may or may not share with non-members. For those with small white stripes their names may nor may not be put forward for adjudication by @Kallasia's Errol who is "Official Representative for pigs less striped" and @RosieMaia's Rosie who is "Right hand pig in Minority Representation"

Any Else For The Stripey-nose Club?
:luv::luv::luv::luv::luv::luv: So many cuties in those photos! What are their names?