Cavy Lover
Adult Guinea Pig
Hey everyone
Has anyone any advice for me? I just put my pigs in fleece for the first time and my pigs won't stop tipping over their litter box it is really annoying have to clean up shavings off their fleece every 5 minutes. Finally I just took it out and they made an even bigger mess with poo and wee. I am thinking of building a small wooden one that is safe for pigs and too heavy to knock over. Has anyone any other ideas that are inexpensive and cheap or maybe something I could build? Thanks
Has anyone any advice for me? I just put my pigs in fleece for the first time and my pigs won't stop tipping over their litter box it is really annoying have to clean up shavings off their fleece every 5 minutes. Finally I just took it out and they made an even bigger mess with poo and wee. I am thinking of building a small wooden one that is safe for pigs and too heavy to knock over. Has anyone any other ideas that are inexpensive and cheap or maybe something I could build? Thanks