My pigs STINK!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Basingstoke, UK
I know pigs don't need to be bathed, but my girls are getting a bit whiffy when then snuggle up under my chin and I can't put it off any longer. Thing is.. they're not all that great with being handled, especially Ginny - she's a massive wriggler and general pain in the bum. Any advice for skittish/nervous piggie bathing?

Hayley x
Use the bathtub with a towel at the bottom for better grip. Piggies are usually a bit calmer/less likely to freak out when they are together.
Don't wear a loose top - My Fred is horrendously skittish especially during baths, he once managed to jump down my top! mallethead:))

I'd recommend the bath, also don't forget to keep them nice and warm. I always pop the heating on for the piggies after baths, to dry them I use the hairdryer on a very low heat keeping it at a distance to ensure I don't burn them.
They only ''should'' be bathed every 4-5 months, anything quicker than that length it will make their fur greasy. I have a 'Flexi Tub', I line it with a towel, and then fill it up to their feet. Only blow-dry them if needed, and it should be on a LOW setting, and keep a far distance away from the piggie.
I'm not looking to bath my girls until its late spring or summer as they live outside... Granted they did whiff a little when I got them out for floor time...

Bathing its not a fun experience as Maple is a jumper... the others just complain and splash. From my past attempts I have now learnt the bath is the best option and sinks tend to be too small if you have more than two...

Two sets of hands are better... ;) good luck!
Unless it is for medical reasons, I only bathe my piggies in the warmer months as they live in a shed.

I too recommend the bath.

I keep mine indoors until they are fully dry before putting them back in the shed. I have a small electric heater I put near by to help to dry them and keep them warm. I tried a hair dryer once on the lowest setting but Eliza freaked out too much.

If you do not want to bathe them, you can buy small animal wet wipes to freshen them up a bit. I have used a mild baby wipe on my boars back before after he has been sprayed by one of his girlies for being annoying.
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I have two black plastic boxes, both are half filled with water (flannel on the bottoms) and the piggies are dipped, flat surface for shampoo, dipped again, rinsed off and dipped again rinsed, all takes about 3 minutes, as the boxes are dark they don't flip out as much as in the big white bath and then bundled in a fleece/towel and sat in the play pen to dry off.

I NEVER get their faces wet tho.

I have never ever bathed a piggie, and mine dont smell....why do piggies need a bath?
My boys need baths because their grease glands get a bit rank, but they dont smell other than of hay usually. They get a bum bath only when a quick wipe with a baby wipe is not sufficiant but my boys are 4 now so they arent as hormonal.
I use tesco value unfragranced baby wipes. I use a few human baby things on my pets, my logic is that most of the ingredients have been in the past tested on rodents/rabbits so a small amount should be fine. -
If you bathe them in a washing up bowl/tub, make sure the water is really shallow, so it barely goes above their feet and make sure you have a towel on the bottom so their feet have something to grip. Make sure there's no loud noises either to frighten them. Good luck :)

And gorgeousguineas shampoos are great.
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