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My pigs start chirping rapidly


New Born Pup
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score
Sometimes in the morning my pigs start chirping really loud and fast and it worries me about their health are they trying to say their injured or are they just bored
Chirping is kind of a poorly-understood behavior... some pigs chirp very often, others never chirp. They're unlikely to be injured or bored, they are just doing what pigs sometimes inexplicably do!
Sometimes in the morning my pigs start chirping really loud and fast and it worries me about their health are they trying to say their injured or are they just bored


Chirping is not health related. We haven't got all the pieces yet to explain it because it is pretty random and clearly has got a situational component (including possibly to smells and sounds that we humans cannot perceive), which becomes obvious when you replay a chirping video (even of the same chirper) and everpig hearing it is instantly diving for cover; which they usually don't do if the chirper is in the room. They just go quiet. A chirping duet is very rare.

I suspect that it may be an old instinctive behaviour of their wild ancestors that has gradually lost its function and full context in the process of domestication but it has not yet fully faded out. It is more common in times of tension and general unease. Most piggies never chirp, some can be prolific chirpers. You will get more chirpers with a regular chirper in the room. I have had the privilege to watch piggies chirp for the first time; the sound they make surprises them as much as us.

There are also a few reported cases where chirping has been used as a successful attention seeking behaviour from their owner; it may be that this new repurposed function is what applies in your case since it seems to do the trick reliably?

This guide explains what we can and cannot say about chirping: Chirping