My Piggy Nibbled My Shortbread Biscuit!

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New Born Pup
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
Hello! I'm making this post out of concern of one of my piggies! I had my pigs out and were letting them eat some lettuce and have a quick run around my bed, however I didn't notice at the end of my bed on a table I had a shortbread biscuit and I moved my eyes away from pumpkin for 30 secs, look back and she'd had a good old munch on my shortbread biscuit! I obviously would never feed this to my pigs and took it away, however I'm worried the amount she ate might be bad for her? I'm hoping it won't be too harmful? haha any advice would be great!
I wouldn't worry too much if it was just a nibble. My old pig used to try and eat anything, he once ate a bit of plastic bag, chewed a mouse cable and used to love trying to eat paper any time he could. Although a shortbread biscuit is probably not great food for pigs he should be ok.
The favourite thing my pigs like to eat is fresh grass, it has to be hand cut, cuttings from a lawn mower are bad and the grass should be chemical free.
Other favourites are: Cucumber, carrots, spinach leaf, chicory, honeydew melon, green beans, parsley, leafy celery and occasional fruit (apples, pears and grapes).
Don't worry, that nibble wouldn't have harmed. Typical piggy! Welcome to the forum by the way
I wouldn't worry too much if it was just a nibble. My old pig used to try and eat anything, he once ate a bit of plastic bag, chewed a mouse cable and used to love trying to eat paper any time he could. Although a shortbread biscuit is probably not great food for pigs he should be ok.
The favourite thing my pigs like to eat is fresh grass, it has to be hand cut, cuttings from a lawn mower are bad and the grass should be chemical free.
Other favourites are: Cucumber, carrots, spinach leaf, chicory, honeydew melon, green beans, parsley, leafy celery and occasional fruit (apples, pears and grapes).

Ah thank you! My piggy favs are parsley, romaine lettuce, fresh hand cut grass too! coriander, spinach leaves, kale and much more! I wasn't sure about whether I could feed them green beans so I might give them a go! :)
Ah thank you! My piggy favs are parsley, romaine lettuce, fresh hand cut grass too! coriander, spinach leaves, kale and much more! I wasn't sure about whether I could feed them green beans so I might give them a go! :)
My pigs are a bit fussy with their green beans, they're not very keen on the English ones, but do like the slim 'fine green beans' from Africa. Grass is great, so easy and it keeps them happy, I rinse it and spin it dry in a salad spinner, they get very excited when they hear the spinner, but not that much grass this time of year so I keep them going with a product called readygrass which is dried but still green.
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