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My piggy got a cancer?


New Born Pup
Mar 12, 2022
Reaction score
Hi guys! I’m from Canada.

My piggy, Kk, he is three years old.
I wonder if my vet advises kk to do the CT scan, but it is too expensive, $1500-2000. My boy did an X-ray and Cytology. One is the X-ray vet said he got cancer in his right leg.
Second one vet who done cytology with KK said she checked nothing on him.
Anyway, my vet said it hadn’t shown anything. Then she suggested that I go to another animal hospital to do the CT scan.
KK is energetic and willing to eat. I am afraid if KK goes to do the CT scan, it will be worse than before.

Do you guys have any suggestions or similar cases? I am wondering if he can go for an ultrasound scan. Is it enough to know what happens with KK?


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My piggy, KK, he got cancer on his leg. He is waiting to do the CT this week, and he probably needs to amputate his leg. I feel troubled and worried about that as this surgery will make KK be bleeding a lot, and it might die. If you were I, what would you do? Anyone can advise me on what should I do? 😭Anyone has this experience?


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Sorry that your piggy is poorly. This is a UK based forum so it was the middle of the night here when you posted. I'm sure that one of the health experts will be along soon with some advice.
Sorry that your piggy is poorly. This is a UK based forum so it was the middle of the night here when you posted. I'm sure that one of the health experts will be along soon with some advice.
Thank you so much honey. I'm really worried about my pig. I can't imagine that he suffered. He's 3years old..he got along with his buddy, but unfortunately, he passed away last week. I'm remorse I had not save his life.
I have just seen your other thread. I am so sorry that KK is poorly :( Surgery is always a risk but he is still young which minimises that risk. Ultimately, the decision has to be yours but if he were my pig, I think I would go ahead with the surgery to at least give him a chance, guinea pigs can still get around on 3 legs but whatever decision you make will be the right one for you and KK. I suggest you are guided by your vet
I’ve just seen your other thread as well.
I am so sorry for the situation and the difficult decision you have to make.
You know KK and your vet so you will know in your heart the right decisio.
Holding you in my heart ♥️

I will ask a mod to merge your threads so that everything about this is in one place. It will be easier for you and us to follow all the information, advice and support.
@VickiA @Swissgreys @Lady Kelly
I’m sorry to hear this. All you can really do is by guided by your vet and their opinion of the prognosis.
Best wishes

I have merged your two threads so that all the information is kept in the same place and we can offer ongoing support with all the background information. You can find this thread again to post updates by using the ‘find friends’ tab at the top of the page
I’m so sorry to read your posts. I have no experience of this. I would ask your veterinary surgeon any questions you may have about prognosis etc.
If he has the CT scan and it isn’t cancer, what would the options be for treatment and likely outcome?.
If he doesn’t have the CT scan what is the treatment plan and what is the likely prognosis?
I guess you have to weigh up the cost which is not only financial but emotional and also time. I’m sorry that we just done have the answers - that is why you need to have a frank discussion with your vet.
My piggy, KK, he got cancer on his leg. He is waiting to do the CT this week, and he probably needs to amputate his leg. I feel troubled and worried about that as this surgery will make KK be bleeding a lot, and it might die. If you were I, what would you do? Anyone can advise me on what should I do? 😭Anyone has this experience?

Hi and welcome

Please speak to the vet about what they think KK has and follow their recommendations re. operation and chances for a successful outcome. They are also trained to deal with your concerns and fears and will answer them if asked. They will also give your their own honest opinion if you ask politely, including operation procedures.

Just be aware that your image of how an amputation is done and the reality of how it is done today are two rather different things. Vets are trained in the procedure.

'Tripod' piggies generally do fine and can get around and live a normal life perfectly well; and the vast majority of the piggy amputations I know off (mainly in rescue piggies where a bad untreated bumblefoot infection has gone into the bone or an untreated, badly healed break is making movement difficult) are coming off well.

You will need to have a closer eye on those areas that the take weight differently (skin care, abrasions and bum cleaning etc.) but that is all. With an operation - if your vet is positive about one - KK will have a chance to get his life back and be able to enjoy it; giving him this chance is the biggest gift you can make him.

Here are some helpful practical guides how you can look after KK now and post-op at home:
For now and after the op:
Looking after guinea pigs with limited or no mobility

For post-op care and resources in case recovery doesn't run smoothly (which I sincerely hope you will not need but want to have handy, just in case):
Tips For Post-operative Care
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Good luck with your decision. I don’t have any experience of this. Sending your piggy healing vibes ❤️
i hope you are able to come to a decision,whatever decision you make will be the correct one for you and your piggie.i wish you all the best.sending virtual support.
Hi, I'm so sorry KK is poorly :( I'm not a health expert but that's quite a big lump :( Hopefully, one of our health experts can advise further
Yes. It is. We are thinking about what we should do and waiting for our vet to come back on Monday. Some ppl don’t recommend doing the CT because it might have other opinions for KK. CT is quite expensive for me, but if it is the best only opinion, I will decide to go with that.
I have just seen your other thread. I am so sorry that KK is poorly :( Surgery is always a risk but he is still young which minimises that risk. Ultimately, the decision has to be yours but if he were my pig, I think I would go ahead with the surgery to at least give him a chance, guinea pigs can still get around on 3 legs but whatever decision you make will be the right one for you and KK. I suggest you are guided by your vet

Thank you, Claire. We decided to go for surgery. We are considering other opinions for KK which checking plan is fit for him because CT is too expensive.