My Piggy Doesn't Want To Be Touched!

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New Born Pup
Dec 10, 2015
Reaction score
Milan, Italy
Hi everybody, I'm quite sad right now: unfortunately one of my two guinea pigs died yesterday because of cancer; they were a wonderful couple of sisters, they have always lived and played together. Since Swiffer (the sick one) started to feel bad, Edwige started to shake her head nervously everybody time I tried to touch her; she has always been a calm and quiet piggy, easy to catch and cuddle, I could caress her without any problem, and she seemed to enjoy it a lot. But right now, after Swiffer's illness and death, I find it impossible not only to cuddle Edwige, but also to catch her: she seems to be a different piggy, she doesn't want me to touch her. Except for this, I think she is fine: she eats a lot as usual, she talks a lot as usual, she is lively, but I can't recognise her, and I fear she is suffering badly for the loss of her sister. What can I do to help her, and to make her want to be cuddled again? I'm desperate about Swiffer's death, she was so sweet and so young (only two years old), but now I'd like to live happily with Edwige. Any suggestion? Thankyou for your attention (and please forgive all my mistakes, I'm not English).
Hi everybody, I'm quite sad right now: unfortunately one of my two guinea pigs died yesterday because of cancer; they were a wonderful couple of sisters, they have always lived and played together. Since Swiffer (the sick one) started to feel bad, Edwige started to shake her head nervously everybody time I tried to touch her; she has always been a calm and quiet piggy, easy to catch and cuddle, I could caress her without any problem, and she seemed to enjoy it a lot. But right now, after Swiffer's illness and death, I find it impossible not only to cuddle Edwige, but also to catch her: she seems to be a different piggy, she doesn't want me to touch her. Except for this, I think she is fine: she eats a lot as usual, she talks a lot as usual, she is lively, but I can't recognise her, and I fear she is suffering badly for the loss of her sister. What can I do to help her, and to make her want to be cuddled again? I'm desperate about Swiffer's death, she was so sweet and so young (only two years old), but now I'd like to live happily with Edwige. Any suggestion? Thankyou for your attention (and please forgive all my mistakes, I'm not English).

Hi and welcome!

I am sorry that it is under so difficult circumstances, and I am very sorry for your loss. You are welcome to post a tribute to Swiffer if you like and whenever the time of right for you.

Please understand that many guinea pigs become very withdrawn when they are acutely grieving. As much as we have the desire to console and cuddle them, they often prefer to stay aloof for a little while. As Edwige is still eating and is still talking, you do not have to worry about acute pining (i.e. stopping to eat and giving up on life). I hope that she is going to come out of herself again more in the next few days. Guinea pigs don't grieve any less than humans, but they need to get on with life sooner than us.
Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

For the long term, you may want to think about finding Edwige a new female companion. I don't know whether you have got rescues in Italy and whether the ones there are have got guinea pigs (either sows or a castrated boar). If that is not possible, going for a younger sow than Edwige is usually the best option. We have got tips on how to stage introductions and what dominance behaviours to expect in our various guides at the top of this section, but you are always welcome to open a new thread for tips and support during a bonding.
Hello, welcome to the forum. So sorry it is in such sad circumstances. I am really sorry for the loss of your piggy, please feel free to leave a tribute to them in our Rainbow Bridge section.

It sounds like Edwige is grieving, piggies feel the loss of companions very deeply as do we. It may take a few weeks for her behaviour to stabilise. Have a read of this thread here Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig The fact she is eating is good news.
Maybe catch her using a conveyance device such as tube or cosy as illustrated below to take the stress out of picking her up then feed her a treat on your lap. Also give her a check over for any skin issues, this can make piggies not like being touched - other than that I expect it to be grief and something that you will have to let pass with time

Once again so sorry for your loss. Your English is perfect by the way

Thankyou so much Wiebke and Lee for your precious answers and suggestions. It's so beautiful to find someone who can understand me, lots of people don't really comprehend how much you can love a pet. I found the section dedicated to bereaved piggies very exhaustive and useful. I will try to leave Edwige alone for a while, I will give her all the time she needs hoping that she will be fine as soon as possible; even if I'm not a vet I don't think she is depressed, but I'm quite worried right now and it makes me sad to see her grieving. I'm going to find her a new companion when both of us are ready (yep, we've got rescues as well). Yesterday I made her meet one of my brother's teddy bear, it is piggy-sized, maybe it can help... A check for skin issues wouldn't be a bad idea btw. Thankyou once again for your help, I hope I will hear from you in happier circumstances!
Thankyou so much Wiebke and Lee for your precious answers and suggestions. It's so beautiful to find someone who can understand me, lots of people don't really comprehend how much you can love a pet. I found the section dedicated to bereaved piggies very exhaustive and useful. I will try to leave Edwige alone for a while, I will give her all the time she needs hoping that she will be fine as soon as possible; even if I'm not a vet I don't think she is depressed, but I'm quite worried right now and it makes me sad to see her grieving. I'm going to find her a new companion when both of us are ready (yep, we've got rescues as well). Yesterday I made her meet one of my brother's teddy bear, it is piggy-sized, maybe it can help... A check for skin issues wouldn't be a bad idea btw. Thankyou once again for your help, I hope I will hear from you in happier circumstances!

You can still interact with Edwige; just try to lure her with little herb or fresh vegetable treats and keep talking to her.

I wish you all the best. You are always welcome to ask any questions or concerns that you have.
Hiya! First of all: happy new year! May it be full of joy and may your dreams come true. Here is the good news: it took some weeks, but Edwige is finally sociable and easy to catch and cuddle like she used to be before her sister's death. I'm so glad about that! Just wanted to share my happiness; thanks once again for your help!
Hiya! First of all: happy new year! May it be full of joy and may your dreams come true. Here is the good news: it took some weeks, but Edwige is finally sociable and easy to catch and cuddle like she used to be before her sister's death. I'm so glad about that! Just wanted to share my happiness; thanks once again for your help!

That is great news!
Hi there

I had a similar situation in december...l had two boars that l got from adoption at six months in 2010 ...Maugwai and Gizmo...they were best buddies and lived together ...they went thru everything with me ...even a marraige breakdown.
They were my little buddies escpecially mr Gizmo...he sadly passed away to rainbow bridge just before xmas.
Maugwai was clearly upset as l think he knew...I would notice Maugwai would stay up with Gizmo all night watching him.
Maugwai never slept when Gizmo was sick.
eventually Gizmo's time came and l had to help him cross over with the vets help.
l brought Gizmo's body back home for my other guniea pigs to see ( as they all knew there was something wrong in the group l constantly told the other pigs that Gizmo wasnt well and had to see the vet for help)
I placed Gizmo's body on a neutral teritory (my clean bed) and one at a time had a piggy say his "goodbyes" l let each piggy do what they wanted with Gizmo's body. Maugwai groomed and kissed Gizmo's eyes..and then settled down next to him.when l tried to take him away from Gizmo's body Maugwai squeeled and cried and wriggled out my arms back to the body.(l left him there until he was ready to leave the body) my younger boar Teebo licked Gizmo's body all over and snuggled into the body then five min later went back to his home..the youngest boar Bandit l think was too young to understand what was going on.
the piggies seemed upset but l kept just talking to them and carrying on with the daily routine. Feeding cleaning and treat time.
Maugwai was especially knocked by Gizmo's passing and needed alot of extra love.
Animals dont greive the same as we do...piggies are prey animals so their main instinct is on survival first.
lf your piggy is not wanting to be touched maybe just bring her indoors near you where she can see you doing things and talk to her constantly. Tell her you know she is sad but she has to stay will find her a freind.( no piggy can ever replace a lost one...they just bring their own piggy love) x
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