My piggies: Tomato and his new friend

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
West Wales
Hello Everyone,

I posted in the rescue forum looking for a baby boar for my first piggy in a long time Tomato. It just so happened that my local rescue had a little boy returned because he wasn't the female they were expecting. So he was hoping sometime would adopt him as a companion for another piggy. He was called Goldie but I'm thinking of a new name when I get to know him a little better. I picked him up on Thursday and he is a little cutie, about 10 weeks old, which is ideal for introducing him to Tomato who is around 2-3 years old.

They met each other in the run on the lawn and things went so well that they spent several hours together yesterday and are out in the run again today. There is a lot of talking and sniffing, a little popcorning, chasing and mounting and the odd bum shuffle and side kick but nothing serious :) The only thing that concerns he is that the little one seems to be doing most of the mounting. I would have thought the older pig would be dominant but I suppose it doesn't always follow?

So here they are sniffing:


Not too concerned, just munching some grass:


Bit of a dodgy moment here:


A couple of Tomato posing for the camera, making sure I get his best side. His ear was already split when I rehomed him, the previous owners didn't seem to know how or when it happened but he was housed with a rabbit so it might have been from him:


Thanks! I will have to get some better ones of the little one as I don't think these ones show off his utmost gorgeousness.

I've never seen colouring like Tomato's before. I know my rat colours but not g-pigs. Does anyone know what the colours are in g-pigs? I tried searching and found information about different breeds but not individual colours.

Lovely pics, glad they are getting to know each other! Both gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:
awww they are lovely piggies
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
hes got the same colouring of our pheonix who died earlier this year Tomato is gorgeous and very lucky to be given another chance
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Those lips in the last pigture :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Wow! How adorable! Poor Tomato! That ear looks like it really hurt! How can they not notice something like that! He must have been extremely neglected....sad. I'm glad you have him now. I've never seen coloring like that! He is very cool! The other one, perhaps agouti?
Awwwwww that's brilliant news, well done O0
'Friend' is very cute, they make a lovely couple, mmmm just a little hiccup i see hopefully they'll be fine :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

PIGGIE LIPS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-* :-* :-*
maisydaisystar said:
Crittercrazy said:
Wow! How adorable! Poor Tomato! That ear looks like it really hurt! How can they not notice something like that! He must have been extremely neglected....sad. I'm glad you have him now. I've never seen coloring like that! He is very cool! The other one, perhaps agouti?

The colourings are gorgeous, it's lilac and ginger colouring, I have a sow who is almost identical to him.
Aw isn't Maisey gorgeous :smitten: Thanks for those. I love the colouring, its so pretty. I think definitely agouti and blonde (?) for the little one.

I don't think Tomato was neglected as such. The previous owners had an allergy to the rabbit he lived with so they were struggling to look after them. They were both in good condition when I took them but the cage was quite a mess. It got a good scrub and went with the rabbit to his new home with a new friend. It was two tier and Tomato wouldn't go down stairs.

I'm still not having any luck with names for the little one. At the moment he's just known as 'lil pig', which could transform into Piglet - don't suppose anyone has ever called a GP that before! Lol! ::) We've had the Inlaws down for a few days so haven't gotten around to getting anymore pics yet. They are still getting on really well in the run and spent all day together yesterday. So when we get a nice day I'll have to scrub the main hutch and move them in together :)
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