My piggies! :D Pepper and Beautyyyyy :)

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Aw they're gorgeous, just showed my mum and she loves the one that isn't black! Lol don't quite know how to describe the colourings and i don't know which is which lol, and i've always wanted a black piggie but my mum won't let me have anymore boo! x
Thankies :) The one your mum likes is called Pepper - he's cream and cream agouti I think, or so I've been told (although he has a white chin and a little patch of white on his back too?) and Beauty is the black one (with random other coloured hairs scattered in there :D) I love black piggies too, but then I love Pepper too...and I love all colours/hair styles really lol :D
Lovely, they are HUGE! How much do they weigh they look really big and healthy! I think beauty is stunning and I love Pepper's colouring!

Aww cute

Lavenderjade just said to me how cute they look with brocolli in front of them :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks guys :smitten: :smitten: I think they're gorgeous but I'm biased ;D ;D

SunshineAndTwinkle said:
How much do they weigh they look really big and healthy!

Last time I weighed them they were both about 1275g ;) Havn't weighed them for a few weeks though :D I think that's an okay weight, right? They get looooooooads of hay, veggies twice daily and also their pellets, I hope they're not overweight :-\ :smitten:
Hi Jane,

Oh thats about right in what you are feeding them. No my pigs are only babies so have a long way to go until they get to that bigger stage, I just love bigger piggies and can't wait for them to grow up! :D

Take care,

Aw, Pepper is my fave type of piggie (although I love 'them all) I have a real weakness for Agoutis, especially the silver and cream or lemon ones, absolutely gorgeous! Beauty is a real sweetheart too, black piggies always seem to photograph particularly well.

Right, Ive made up my mind, I'm pignapping tonight ;D
Aww, gorgeous piggies and some lovely poses!
Is Beauty solid black? Cos he is yummy and I love Pepper, you are correct he is Cream Agouti, he would be classes as a Tri-Colour - Cream, Cream Agouti and White, three colours.

Emma x
Jane said:
Last time I weighed them they were both about 1275g ;) Havn't weighed them for a few weeks though :D I think that's an okay weight, right? They get looooooooads of hay, veggies twice daily and also their pellets, I hope they're not overweight :-\ :smitten:

My two weigh about the same - 1kg 250g (or around 2lb 10oz? - think thats right!) ... and I feed them the same as you too! Loadsa hay, a tiny bit of veg twice a day and pellets O0 I nickname them Chubs and Tubs! ;D Best to have a bit in reserve I always say! ;)

I just LOOVVVEEE your piggies. They're little smashers! :smitten:
Thanks guys :D I've just fed them and they were wheeking their little hearts out at me ;D :D

Boureki, nope, you can't! You don't know where I live mwahhaha, and they're MINE. :) I actually find Beauty difficult to photograph sometimes, it's mainly harder in darkness though because he just looks like a big black shiny splat :P

GPQ - Well I guess he is solid black in a way, he does have a few random hairs scattered around him too though. Ooh, Pepper is a tricolour piggy? I know he has three colours of course but it never occured to be that he would be called one :)
Jane said:
Boureki, nope, you can't! You don't know where I live mwahhaha, and they're MINE. :) I actually find Beauty difficult to photograph sometimes, it's mainly harder in darkness though because he just looks like a big black shiny splat :P

LOL, I think they are GORGEOUS! :smitten: Love the likening of Beauty to a 'black shiny splat'! ;D
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