My Piggies!(and bunnies)

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Oct 4, 2007
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Ireland But I'm from Devon UK
Awwwwwwwwwww :D :D :D :D :D that lil one looks like a hammie ;D ;D ;D

How many piggys do you have ? ?

WELCOME by the way O0

And is that the bunnys sofa or yours too ? ::)
Clare said:
Thanks so much! what did i do wrong? :smitten:
Hi you have to just go on photobucket then click on the last code then paste it on a post here O0 try it out :)
well it was my sofa but the bunnys adore it!
The baby piggie is my romeo, he was bought as a she... ahem all the sows are now with child! i learned my lesson... stay clear of pet stores, so at the mo i have 4 piggies... soon to have alot more! :D
Clare said:
well it was my sofa but the bunnys adore it!
The baby piggie is my romeo, he was bought as a she... ahem all the sows are now with child! i learned my lesson... stay clear of pet stores, so at the mo i have 4 piggies... soon to have alot more! :D
Oh so there ALL pregnant by Romeo or the pet store piggys boars ? It looks as though lil romeo is too tiny though :-\
Romeo by name and romeo by nature ;D ;D ;D ;D

did I get that right is his name romeo?
isnt he tiny , that was when i first got him, he MUCH bigger now, i will post new pics (when i figure out how)
I got him and his mum from a store and they said it was mother and daughter.... yeah right, i know better now, it wasnt till later i found the willy!! :D
Clare said:
isnt he tiny , that was when i first got him, he MUCH bigger now, i will post new pics (when i figure out how)
I got him and his mum from a store and they said it was mother and daughter.... yeah right, i know better now, it wasnt till later i found the willy!! :D
Sooo how old are all your piggys and did the son pregnante the mother if so then the babies may be deformed just thought id let you know :-\
Yes they are now... i hate hutches!
Yes i know that Romeo got his own mummy preg so will watch in fear when she births!, Are the chances very very high? i didnt think he would get his mum preg AT THE TIME, but still when you know better you do better, i just hope her babys do not get to pay for my bad judgemnt.
My rabbits are floppy, blossom and debbie, they all tolerate each other quite well and often cosy up with each other!
I'm not sure as none of mine have been bred by any of their relations but ive heard quite a lot of deformities like some cannot walk or have extra parts to their bodies some affect them some dont and you also have to be careful when breeding them when you dont know their genetics/background

How old are the sows who are pregnant ? ?
two are under 8 mths, the other (who I'm not 100% sure is preg but probably is) I am not sure but judging by her size around the same age.
I really wanted a all female herd, but this is just i guess what happens with purchasing from pet stores. I can give them all a loving home, Romeo will be nutered and put back with the girls i guess and i keep the baby boys and girls sparate, Hubby will be building a new run!! O0
Lovely animals :)
Your rabbits are adorable - they are all so beautiful!
aww i love your rabbits how did you manage to bond a trio? I'm still mastering bonding 2 rabbits together :-\ lol

all your animals are gorgeous :smitten:
well took me ages.... i had one as a house bunny and the other two in a hutch, they are all unspayed females. Quite by accident Debbie my little dutch rabbit escaped her hutch and floppy was having her turn in the back garden, to my surprise floppy onlt chased her away, she wanted to off her fav bits of the garden and was quite happy with that, after a while they got more and more used to each other untill they became friends. this left poor blossom still in a hutch till one night she spent the whole night out of her hutch (by mistake) and the other two were out too, when i realised that all three of my bunnys were out i FREAKED, but i decided as they were not fighting to watch and see, they had a few scraps but nothing mad and i was out with them to stop any fightingthat went bloody! didnt happen i hasnt to add. All three had had best part of 3 years to sniff thru cadges and they knew who each other were.
They still squabble at times but often are curled up, my two lops look like slippers!
Wow, that's worked out really well then - very unusua;l with unspeyed does!

[BTW, just incase you don't know, I would advise getting them speyed since 80% of does will otherwise develop uterine cancer by the age of 5 :( ]
Cute furries. :smitten: :smitten:
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