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my piggie is sickie!

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:'( hello, i have a piggy thats a year old. i recently found out she has pnumonia. shes on antibiotics but I'm worried. its been almost a week and no change. she doesnt eat or drink much and the cage isnt soiled. she responds to me but I'm still scared. will she survive?
It's a bit upsetting to reply this to you.. have had a few piggies with this.. they didnt respond well to antibiotics.. but some piggies do, so please don't lose hope..

When Jin had this he too didn't drink or eat.. I tried to give him some childs baby food in a syring, water, lots of things, but he wouldn't take any of it..

I would say that if you tried to give your piggy something to try and get their strength up, then they have more chance of fighting the pneumonia off and the antibiotics will work.

Kelly and piggies xx
Unfortunantly, we can't give you a definitive answer to that. Pnuemonia is life threatening even in humans. Don't give up though. Be strong for her and keep fighting that will give her the strength to keep fighting too. Remember as long as she's alive there is always hope. Please keep us updated. I hope she pulls through.

so sorry to see your piggy is unwell. You will to keep feeding your piggy. try feeding your piggy yourself. remember your piggy does need to poo and needs to keep its gut truning over. Go back to the vets if there is stillno improvement tomorrow morning.
What type of meds are you giving and what dose (and what is the weight of your pig)? How was it determined that the pig has pneumonia? Were x-rays taken? What symptoms do you see or hear? Are you force/hand feeding Oxbow's Critical Care? What bedding are you using and how often do you clean the cage and what size is the cage? Is the cage inside or outside? Are there other pigs housed with her?
Has your piggy been given any probiotics to take with the antibiotics? If not you need to go back and ask for some asap. The antibiotics can upset the internal balance of the piggy and this will make them feel even worse.

Also if they are not eating you need to start syringe feeding straight away or they could starve very quickly.

Please post again if you want any more info or PM me.
princessguinea said:
:'( hello, i have a piggy thats a year old. i recently found out she has pnumonia. shes on antibiotics but I'm worried. its been almost a week and no change. she doesnt eat or drink much and the cage isnt soiled. she responds to me but I'm still scared. will she survive?
well i thank you all for your advice. i still see no change. i think I'm losing hope. i have been giving her baby food (she fights me a whole lot!) and ive been giving her lettuce and things but she doesnt seem very enthusiastic. the vet said she has pnumonia. shes in her own indoor cage. i really dont know what kind of antibiotics they are. its a sticky pink solution. i dont know. i dont wanna see her die!
Sounds like maybe sulfatrim? That's what the vet gave my Soli when he had a URI and it was a pink sticky liquid too. Supposed to taste like cherries. Whatever it tasted like, Soli loved it.
kaoskat said:
Sounds like maybe sulfatrim? That's what the vet gave my Soli when he had a URI and it was a pink sticky liquid too. Supposed to taste like cherries. Whatever it tasted like, Soli loved it.
well i still see no progress. I'm thinking of putting princess to sleep. it hurts me deeply but i simply cant afford taking her to the vet and getting more medicine and shots. if i had my tax return i would but i havent received it. i dont wanna wake up everyday and see shes getting worse.
Also have you considered the PDSA? They will treat pets for a donation if you are on a low income.

Bev x x
PLEASE do not have the piggie put to sleep!

I don't know if you are in the UK - if you are I will take her and look after her.

If you are in the USA PLEASE go to a rescue for help if you think you cannot look after her anymore

my heart is just breaking rite now......I'm in New York. i dont know of any areas where they can treat her or take her in that case....I'm just in my last whimes right now....
Please do NOT put the piggy to sleep!

I could also offer to take him, I am in the UK but please, as Kate said do not put him to sleep.
You need to look up your local rescue and get in touch with them.

Also - try posting on the medical section on the guinea lynx forum as there may be someone near you that can help.

Do not give up on her yet.
[color]If w foun a rscu which woul tak in your piggi woul you o that?
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There are loads of shelters in New York - too many to list here

Or just ring the ASPCA for help.
N. NY & Ontario Watertown/
Kingston Area/
Redwood Redwood Rescue
Kathy Nelson
bobkatt northnet org

Upstate NY/
Near Watertown/
The Pig Pen Rescue
Tracie Ritchie
pigpenrescue aol

Got these off of www.cavyrescue.org don't know how up to date they are but i'll go and have a look for some more
I didn't know if this site would help or not but if you put in your location it gives a list of local rescures.

The site is www.petfinder.com

Hope it helps


I'm so sorry about this. Please don't have him put to sleep.
If you need probiotics you could try natural yoghurt (suggested to me by two vets)
Or try syringe feeding with fruit smoothie - when one of mine was ill and didn't want to eat he still loved it.
And try to get some recovery food.

I am thinking of you. So much good luck to you and your piggie.
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[color]I rciv this mail from somboy from Guina ynx. Thought I woul post it on hr. I hav mail it to princssguina.

Hi Elli,

Th vt I'v us whn I liv in Brooklyn, NY was
Dr.Anthony Pilny at Th ntr for Avian an Exotic
Micin. Dr.Pilny is locat in Manhattan at 568
olumbus Avnu an th phon numbr is 212-501-8750.
Thy accpt crit/bit cars, chcks, cash an ar
rit (it's lik a crit car but for halth car
xpnss lik vts). His wbsit is:

If sh osn't hav ar rit, sh can apply for it
for futur vt xpnss. ar rit's wbsit is

Th othr goo vt for guina pigs in NY is: Th
Animal Mical ntr at 510 East 62n Strt, btwn
York Avnu an th East ivr (FD) Driv. thir
phon numbr is: (212 838-7053). Thy also accpt
chcks, crit cars an chcks. Thy ar opn 24
hours a ay/7 ays a wk. Wbsit is:

If sh can't affor tratmnt for hr guina pig, sh
coul surrnr it to a guina pig rscu. Thr ar
two rscus that ar clos to NY. n is Hav a Hart
GP scu in NJ. Th wbsit is:

Th othr is rittr onnction in onncticut. Th
wbsit is http://www.ctguin[COLOR=Black]apigr[COLOR=Black]scu[COLOR=Black].org/

Both of thos rscus will arrang transport for this
pig if sh cis to surrnr it to th rscu.

t m know if i can b of any mor hlp.

harln aka momof911kis

Thank you vry much harln for this information!
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