My photography

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham




I enjoy photography O0
Thankies :D

I've enjoyed taking photos since I was given my first camera to play with at around 8 years old - have really enjoyed it since than O0
They are great! Especially the second one mmmmm I love flowers and trees, sooo pretty! :smitten:
Really nice photos, so someone knows how to use a camera. ;D They are lovely pictures, I especially like the fourth one. :)
Vety good1 Love the one with the bluebells in it! :)
wow it reminds me of Dartmoor! Well the first pigture does!
The first one was taken in one of the walks around here - it's so pretty that pond, the second one was taken of a gorgeous garden whilst going for a walk where my Nan lives, the 3rd in the woods in my village and the fourth is not far from me in fact I was heading back after a walk.
I do take a lot of walks :D
Wow! your really good :)
I love photography too :smitten: I want to get a good quality camera but theyre like $800 :o !
I love the pic of the feilds!

a) i want your camera
b) i wanna move house! to there!
You are brilliant with the camera!
Wow! theyre aweome! Do you live there? Like is thats your backyard?
If so yoour real lucky! lol Ive always wanted to live on a huge block of land :smitten:
No it's not my garden, but if you go out of my back gate, turn left and walk about three car lengths you're in the country and there are the fields I took the photo of.

Thanks all O0
Wow! Lucky you! lol I would love to be able to do that...

If you walk down the street all yous ee is more streets ;D
same here BW i really want a HUGE garden or fields for gardens and a medium sized house (i would hate huge but my chinchillas and c&c cage for the guinea pigs would need to fit! lol, well IF we moved!)

Lovely pics
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