My Parents Wont Let Me Get Guinea Pigs.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 7, 2017
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I want guinea pigs so bad, I don't think i've wanted anything more in my entire life than I want 2 piggies. But my parents aren't on board. I've done the research, i'm paying for everything except for vet bills. But my parents said that they dont want guinea pigs making a bunch of noise and keeping them up at night. My dad said it's pretty much a crap shoot and we could get stuck with really noisy guinea pigs or we could luck out and get quiet ones. And my parents said that if they end up making noise and keeping them up that they're not going to want them in the house anymore and we don't have a basement or anywhere else to put them. So they would have to then turn the guinea pigs over to a shelter. We don't have the best track record with pets such as rabbits and dogs as they have all had some sort of issue and we have had to turn them over to the shelter except for one that was sick and had to be put down. So my parents dont want to send another pet to the shelter because it doesn't work out. And my parents said that if the pigs get sick it falls on them to pay for the vet bills. I got a second dog a couple years ago that worked out and my parents say I should be grateful the dog i have worked out. And I am, but I really really really want piggies. Dogs just aren't the same as piggies and I have hope that piggies could work out. I do understand where my parents are coming from so dont assume I'm being a whiny brat. I just really love guinea pigs.
I am completely understand were you come from and also your parents point of view. The noise isn't so much an issue, it can depend on a number of things. But financially you have to be able to support them. To be honest, the fact that your family have had to surrender to a shelter already previous pets it sounds like that now is not the time. Having a dog already in the house and then wanting indoor pigs could be problematic. You never know how much work they will be until you actually get pigs. All too often we hear of adults selling or getting rid of pigs because their children have got bored, that's not to say you will.

I think i would work on being entertained with your dog, learn some new tricks or something and when you are financially sound yourself, and perhaps have your own house it will work.

Sorry to put a downer on this, but being able to care for them financially especially vet bills which can escalate very quickly perhaps just doesn't fit the bill.

Sorry. I'm sure you must be gutted after all the work you have done also.
Guinea pigs are incredibly hard work to keep correctly and take a lot of commitment multiple times daily.

Are there any guinea pig rescues near you? Maybe you could volunteer there as you can't get one of your own just now. That would be the best of both worlds, being able to be around Guinea pigs without actually having to own your own.
It's a difficult one, I echo what everyone else has said. Being able to provide vet fees is the number one thing on keeping animals. If your family have had to give up animals due to illness or what ever in the past your parents are wise to think twice.

Pigs are a huge responsibility and cost quite a bit to look after. If you're young that responsibility would fall on your parents, and piggies can live for 5-8 years generally, some even longer. You've gotta ask yourself if you would have the time for them in 5-8 years when you may be going off to university or where ever.

I'm currently in the middle of cleaning my piggies out and I'm exhausted lol. Takes a good hour to two hours to do it! Just taking a break atm :))
To clear a couple things up my parents have turned animals over to shelters not because they were sick but because they didn't get along with the ''original dog''. And a couple years ago when I asked my parents for another dog they were not super into idea at first because we had turned over a few animals before, but we got the new dog and we still have him with no issues and my parents love him. My parents are capable of paying for vet care if things were to come up for the pigs but I cant expect them to want to pay for the bills because they aren't the ones who want pigs, I do. So obviously they wouldn't be thrilled if the pigs were to get sick because they aren't the ones who want the pigs, but they'd have to pay for the vet bills.
dear Sophia,
I understand you, but a pet becomes a member of a family and it is almost like having a new child; everyone should want it... I don't think your parents worries about the noise in the night, but the only really serious reason is the matter of the vet bills. Your parents are able to pay, but they have the right of chosing to spend those money for you, for a family holiday, for your future, for anything else. I think your parents prefer living with a dog which is a different pet; maybe they don't have that special love for roditors...
Also my two daughters will never have a dog at home: no excuses, but I don't like dogs (here at home) and they can have their dog when they are adults. I have never had any pet at home whe I was a child because my parents did not agree...
I suggest you (I don't know if in UK it is allowed) to become a volunteer in some shelter; here there are volunteeers who keep at home rescue pigs/rats/rabbits/kittens/mum cats until the shelter finds a good family for giving these pets up for adoption. Of course the shelter pays vet bills. Or you could offer for free some help as a piggie-sitter for some family who needs to go to holidays (you know, piggies are NOT allowed to fly into planes... a BIG trouble for a family who plans a trip abroad...). You could offer free service and your parents could realise how much fond you are of guinea pigs...
Another question: in 6-8 years where are you studying? I mean... in Uk you have colleges and teenagers move from home... what would you do with the pigs?;)
The daughter of a friend of mine years ago wanted a dog and now that she is studying Vet Medicine far from Rome her mother is walking her dog at 6 a.m. before running to work... is it right?
Anyway, your parents are not against pets at home, therefore their idea might change... :whistle:
dear Sophia,
I understand you, but a pet becomes a member of a family and it is almost like having a new child; everyone should want it... I don't think your parents worries about the noise in the night, but the only really serious reason is the matter of the vet bills. Your parents are able to pay, but they have the right of chosing to spend those money for you, for a family holiday, for your future, for anything else. I think your parents prefer living with a dog which is a different pet; maybe they don't have that special love for roditors...
Also my two daughters will never have a dog at home: no excuses, but I don't like dogs (here at home) and they can have their dog when they are adults. I have never had any pet at home whe I was a child because my parents did not agree...
I suggest you (I don't know if in UK it is allowed) to become a volunteer in some shelter; here there are volunteeers who keep at home rescue pigs/rats/rabbits/kittens/mum cats until the shelter finds a good family for giving these pets up for adoption. Of course the shelter pays vet bills. Or you could offer for free some help as a piggie-sitter for some family who needs to go to holidays (you know, piggies are NOT allowed to fly into planes... a BIG trouble for a family who plans a trip abroad...). You could offer free service and your parents could realise how much fond you are of guinea pigs...
Another question: in 6-8 years where are you studying? I mean... in Uk you have colleges and teenagers move from home... what would you do with the pigs?;)
The daughter of a friend of mine years ago wanted a dog and now that she is studying Vet Medicine far from Rome her mother is walking her dog at 6 a.m. before running to work... is it right?
Anyway, your parents are not against pets at home, therefore their idea might change... :whistle:
I'm going to be 15 in about a month, so I will be graduating in about a few years. I'm more into the idea of online college if I can since you can adjust your schedule more. If I can't do online college there is a college in my state I would go to thats about 30 miniutes away so I wouldn't be moving out for college. And I am fully aware that my parents have the choice of whether or not to spend money on vet bills. I'm probably going to try and revisit the idea of getting guinea pigs at the end of summer and see if maybe I can get them to change their mind. Once I turn 16 i'll probably try and find a job and start paying my parents back for vet bills in the event that they eventually allow me to get guinea pigs and they get sick or something. And I would start putting some money away to go towards vet bills so I could pay for their bills as much as I can.
If you possibly want a job what about newspapers delivery/paper rounds? Lot of people at my old school (it was recent too, I've been back to homeschooling) did it being the same age as you (I'm about to look it up as I always forget to ask). Not sure what the job age is there though, but even at 14-16 here in my area you'd get paid for it
You are very determined and maybe your parents will see that you are not joking and your love is genuine. But if they are firm in their idea they have their good reasons... For example, I mentioned holidays trips: a dog follows the family, piggies can do that as well, but you need to carry their large cage, maybe they are not allowed into hotels... And consider also the presence of your dog: I have now two rescue female pigs which were abandoned because the dog of the family used to bark at them. My pigs are healthy, but very very scared and shy... and when they hear some dog barking on the road they are terrified. Here in Italy shelters don't give guinea pigs up for adoption when at home there are little children and dogs (and we need to be over 18, sign a paper, etc.).
But never forget: parents are always happy when children are happy... therefore there is a possibility to make them change their mind...
(sorry for my grammar mistakes)
I'm going to be 15 in about a month, so I will be graduating in about a few years. I'm more into the idea of online college if I can since you can adjust your schedule more. If I can't do online college there is a college in my state I would go to thats about 30 miniutes away so I wouldn't be moving out for college. And I am fully aware that my parents have the choice of whether or not to spend money on vet bills. I'm probably going to try and revisit the idea of getting guinea pigs at the end of summer and see if maybe I can get them to change their mind. Once I turn 16 i'll probably try and find a job and start paying my parents back for vet bills in the event that they eventually allow me to get guinea pigs and they get sick or something. And I would start putting some money away to go towards vet bills so I could pay for their bills as much as I can.
Could I recommend a YouTube channel called pets palace TV. She is a young vlogger with a whole menagerie of pets. She is British so maybe not totally relevant when it comes to costs (I assume you're from the US but not sure what have never that impression so apologies if that's wrong). She is about 17 now but she's been vlogging since 13/14. Perhaps it's something that will be good for both you and your parents to check out?

As for the noise, so long as you're not sleeping in the same room as the pigs they won't keep you up. Pigs noises are no where near the loudness of a dog's bark fir example. I live in an open plan flat and tbh sometimes they do wake me up when they decide to enjoy an early morning chew or think that me getting up for a wee means it's breakfast time. But those squeaks are adorable and it would be hard to be mad at them for it. Pigs have a habit of invading people's hearts with their cuteness even those who weren't fussed are converted after a month or so. No one can with stand the cuteness. Good job they have no interest in world domination lol! But as I say I have no door to close when they are chewing which would easily solve the noise issue. I find it incredibly hard to believe that in a house they would keep you up at night. I've had pigs in a room next to the kitchen both under my bedroom when I lived at my parents house. I would get woken by my parents rattling around the kitchen and boiling the kettle but I'd never hear the pigs.

But bottom line is if your parents are going to be paying for some of their upkeep, the pigs will be their responsibility too and as such they will have to be happy to have them. Not give in because you ground them down. Maybe show them some of the videos on that youtube channel? And find out what the real reason is that they don't want one. There is also the possibility of fostering some pigs if they agree. If they don't like them they get a nice forever home at the end of their foster period. If they succumb to their cute Guinea ways (no one can resist I'm telling you) you can adopt them instead.
Your parents are doing what is right because they do not want to end up in the same situation which would be having to surrender your guinea pigs to a local shelter due to the first family dog. They are concerned about the safety and welfare of other animals coming into the home due to said dog hence why they don't want you to have pets of your own as they know how heartbreaking it would be for you if anything did happen. Well, that is what it seems like to me anyway...
As a parent I'm going to have to say I get where they are coming from and here are my reasons why.

Growing up I often wanted pets that I was not allowed to have. My mother was quite strict on this and there were some pets that were a flat out NEVER. At the time I thought this was very unfair as she had tons of pets growing up.

As an adult and a parent myself I see where her reasoning was coming from. We are always told that when we grow up we can have our home how we want with whatever pets we want and spend our money how we want....but then you have kids and they see a pet they want which you might not necessarily be open to and the constant bickering about it begins.

If a child in my house wants a pet, regardless of their age it is something that needs to be agreed on by the entire household because pets effect everyone living there. If old enough the child must prove that they are serious and must want the pet for a considerable amount of time first to be sure its not a fad. (And by this I mean "ask me again closer to your next birthday".. not nag at me daily). The child will be responsible for basic care of the pet and if too young then everyone must be willing to pitch in to help.

But.. we don't even get to this stage of everyones views unless I am open to the idea of the pet. If I am not open to it then it's a "no" and my "no" means exactly that, it's not a "maybe" it's not a ask me again in 5 mins" it's a "no".

Here are reasons why I might NOT be willing.

1) There are too many pets in the house already and I really do not have the time nor energy to supervise the care of more.
2) You already have a pet, why do you need more? (In your case you are lucky enough to have a DOG which is a huge gift from your parents).
3) Do I want the financial burden of more animals, large or small vet fees do not follow size or species. I am already providing a home, food, clothing, entertainment items, funding hobbies etc, putting savings by for investing in future of that child etc.... do I REALLY want to sacrifice some of that for more vet fees or daily care bills? Money is finite not infinite. Don't forget your parents are already paying out for a stack of things that you'll never know about or even think about at this stage in your life.
4) Do I really want to deal with the emotional upheaval for that child if the pet falls ill/dies. Children can take the death of a pet really hard and as a parent it's absolutely no fun seeing your child so distraught over something you have no control over.
5) If the child looses interest, what do I do with it? Do I give it to a rescue only to have the child beg me to keep it, or do I keep this pet I may not want or even have time for?

My aunt ended up lumped with a snake, 2 lizards and 4 hissing cockroaches when her son went off to study. She never wanted ANY of those and wanted to rehome them. He balled and screamed and kicked and pleaded for her to keep them even though he would rarely be there and actually moved overseas once his studies were over! She did re-home them without telling him for a long long time and when he found out (after he had moved overseas) he had the nerve to be mad at her!

If you really really want guinea pigs, keep doing your research, help out at some rescues etc..let your parents see what you are doing but don't keep asking them. Keep the pestering to a minimum else they may never say yes, ask them once every few months but not in a "mom can I have guinea pigs, why can't I have guinea pigs, this is so unfair!" kind of way but in a casual "I saw this really cute guinea pig when I was helping out a friend/rescue today, you know I think I'd still like to have some myself one day." sort of way.

Good luck with them my advice it try not to turn it into an argument. Ask if they will discuss why and respect the answers they provide.
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