My Own Pig Room :)

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Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
So I have finally decided to turn my box room into a pig room for my ladies and their soon to be husboar. I will be going out today to get fleece and towel for the run and their hutch will be coming into the room with their run taking up most of the room so they can be out all the time (unless we have Mario out for free range time which means they will be in their hutch :) ) Can't wait! *squee*.

I have loved having my girls outside but I am finding it increasingly difficult to clean the hutch outside because of my knee's and arthritis and also the weather has started turning already. The plan was to bring them in for winter, we've just decided they are going to be house pigs full time, that way they can always have run space :)
Yes the hutch will be their residence, plenty of space for it in the room. Then they will have their run attached and a shelf stack at the side for their things :)
Hopefully some time over winter I will be getting my C&C block's depending on how much easier it is for me to deal with the hutch inside, as because of my condition easier is better. If the hutch works out ok inside with sweeping out etc where I don't have to crawl on my hands and knee's too much then it will stay :)
Hopefully should be done by the end of the day :) We've got some things to do this morning but it is our task for the rest of the afternoon :)
Lucky you and lucky guinea pigs.

I wish I could keep mine indoors. I love C&C set ups.
Yeahy piggie room. Good luck with the set up. Exciting times ahead.
My girls have their own room in large c&c cages.I have fibromyalgia and possible arthritis in my knees so it has to be easy for me so I have a ground sheet then incontinence pads then fleece.Have litter trays that I clean out every two days .I can sit in my cages so don't have to bend too much.Have smaller towels and fleece that get changed every two or three days and the main fleece gets changed once a week.Works great for me.If you are using a rin this could be a way for you to do it as the run will keep the fleece down.You can just lift the fleece out and shake it .
Ok here is it all done :) Need a few toys for the run, the ladies aren't too sure about the fleece but they will get used to it. Mario (in the top temporary cage until he's neutered) is very excited because he can hear and smell the ladies! Turned into a completely different piggy :) So glad they are in and warm and dry :)

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Thankyou :) The whole room is now a piggy room. The shelves in the corner have all their stuff on and the pop up purple laundry basket is filled with loose hay for refilling their racks :)
Wow looks amazing Ruth, :yahoo:Well done must of been a hard work setting it all up again, I love the pic of Mario smelling the air...brilliant photo. I bet your ladies are thinking what has she done to the grass ha ha :D . Are you going to put fleece in their hutch once their used to it. I could message you the person I got mine from so you can have a look he does all sorts :)
Kell x
@My3cuteBoys I'd love to do Fleece Kell but I worry that I will only be able to spot clean once a day so I may not get it to work. We are looking at ordering some fitch paper bedding over the next few weeks as I hate shavings, they aren't perfect for the pigs and they make me itch something rotten!

@MissBubblegum It's literally a material pop up wash basket from b+m's, we had it going spare and the idea pinged into my head, keeps all the hay nice and tidy x
Brilliant! I am sure they have them in pound strecher for about £3.99 so I will have to grab one. Or may e 2, i could use a piggy washing basket lol
It's amazing what things you can find to use :) The only money I have spent today was £5 for the puppy pads and £5 for the two fleece. The rest of the stuff I already had in the loft or garage so just utilised it :)
Also, if you are unable to have fleece all over then Fitch is definitely the way to go, my hamsters are on it and it's wonderful. If I couldn't have my pigs on fleece and Vetbed I would use it for them too.
Thanks Helen, I think I'm going to end up with fitch due to the upkeep of the fleece bedding I'd just be worried it wouldn't work as it need's spot cleaning a few times a day x
It does take a lot of cleaning. I have a little handheld Dyson and a Gtech carpet sweeper which help.
I may give fleece a try and see if it works. I spot clean every night when I get home anyway, I just don't know if that would be enough?
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