My New Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
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Hi! On Saturday I became a first time piggie owner, with two 18 month girl rexes. I've been working on getting them to get used to me a bit, as they are already tame but are obviously scared of the new surroundings and stuff. So today when I got them to eat grass out of my hand, I noticed that one guinea (Truffle) was being a bit more dominant than the other (Nutmeg)

Truffle always came out first and blocked the doorway to the hidey home where Nutmeg was inside, to eat the grass. Nutmeg would try poke her head between Truffle's body and the side of the doorway, when Truffle would reach out and put her paw hand thing on Nutmeg's head and push her backwards! Although slightly amusing at first, I've soon realised that Truffle is preventing Nutmeg from getting as much food as her.

Nutmeg also seems to be a lot more shy than Truffle, she is always the first to run away whereas Truffle does run but doesn't always hide. It seems like Nutmeg often has to creep around Truffle to actually get to the food!

I would pick Truffle up and move her out of Nutmeg's way, but I've only had them for about 4 days and I don't want to spook her too soon. What should I do?
Hi and welcome!

Please be aware that guinea pigs are group animals and always need to establish a hierarchy through dominance behaviour. What you can do is offer two hideys, preferably with more than one exit so the underpiggy can't be locked in, as well as two food bowls etc. at least one body length apart. Otherwise, don't interfere. Unlike you, the piggies know the manual and are working their way through it.
You may find these information threads from the top of our behaviour section helpful. Any mild to medium dominant behaviour you have to accept.
Here is a collection of tips from our Newbies Corner:

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Hello, Welcome to the forum.

I would suggest 2 of everything for the time being while they are sorting out their dominance. So 2 Hideys, 2 food bowls certainly and maybe the hay in 2 different areas so Nutmeg has access to everything too.

Here is a link to some sticky threads you may find helpful and

EDIT: Sorry Wiebke posted at same time as you x

Let us know how you are getting on
Hi! I have added two of everything now and they don't seem to be fighting for any dominance anymore, they are acting nicely around eachother Thank you so much for both of your help. Next thing I need to do is get them to trust me, but haha might need to post a new topic for that one!

Thanks xx
Here they are getting along nicely :)


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