Welcome to the foejm
This is very normal. He is terrified.
Please don’t try to touch them at this point
Please cover the cage with a blanket and leave them to settle. Piggies feel scared in open spaces so covering the cage can help them feel more secure.
Put hay inside their hides so they don’t have to come out to eat if they don’t want to
We advise that you don’t try to touch them for at least the first week.
Just throw hay and veg in, give water and spot clean the cage but otherwise leave them alone.
In the second week, start to sit by the cage and talk to them so they can used to you being there.
You need fo start the weekly weight checks from the second or third week onwards so there is going to have to be a bit of handling taking place. Do note though that most piggies do not enjoy being handled.
It is going to take weeks to months for them to settle in properly and feel comfortable work your presence. Patience is always needed with guinea pigs.
As you seem to have two boys, ensure their cage is big enough - 180x60cm is needed for two boys. Boars are more territorial and really need a lot of room.
Ensure that you have two if everything in the cage - two bottles, two hay piles. have multiple hides in the cage and that all hides have two exits. Single exit hides pose a risk of one of trapping the other inside and aren’t advised to be used.
I’ve added some guides below to help you further
Contents Overview
1 What This Collection Is About
2 Guinea Pigs as Pets
- Family and Classroom Pets
- Sourcing Your Guinea Pigs, Common Pitfalls and Your Customer Rights
- Human Pet Anxiety: Practical Tips for Sufferers and Supporters
- Naming and Finding Out the Breed
- Guinea Pig Facts: An Overview
3 Living Environment
- Housing (with sourcing tips)
- Bedding (with...
1 What to do on arrival at home
- A welcome in piggy language
- Health check, sexing and weighing
- Quarantine or not if you have other guinea pigs?
2 Helping your guinea pigs to settle in
- Some practical tips for settling in new guinea pigs
- Avoiding predatory behaviours
- Skittish or ill?
- Group establishment and dominance
3 Handling and human...
1 Understanding Prey Animal Behaviour
- Unresponsive prey reflex
- Flight reflex
- Fight reflex (defence bites)
2 How to Avoid Predatory Behaviours
- Scent
- Flow of chatter
- Sudden movement and noises
- Looming and staring
- 'I am not seeing you'
3 Piggy Whispering
- 'I want to be friends with you'
- 'I invite you into my herd'
- 'I love/care...
1 Common myths and misconceptions
2 The different ages (including teenage)
- Important biological facts
- The formative 'School Weeks' (3 weeks - ca. 4 months)
- The Teenage Months (ca. 4-14 months)
- The Adult Years (ca. 15 months - ca. 4-5 years)
- The Golden Age (ca. 4-5 years until end of life)
3 What do boars need? (List of boar dos and don'ts)
- Space, space and more space!
- Respecting the hierarchy
- The 'one for each...