Hi I’m the proud mum of a new boy called percy. He’s a cheeky and fast. My black girl is obsessed with him she won’t leave him alone. The girls are loving their new cage.
His poos stink today and aren’t usual little pig poos it’s quite runny. I'm pretty sure it’s the new veg he’s eating but I’ve just registered him at the vets and I’ll keep a eye on him.
You should stop all veg immediately, and switch to daily weighing.
It is probably just the change of diet, but it is important to get it under control quickly, particularly while the weather is so hot.
Hopefully a couple of days on a hay based diet will sort out his tummy.
Thanks guys it all gone tits up he’s going back to the Rspca for being a bully. He’s still in my care for now but I really don’t have the space for another 6x4 cage or I’d be keeping him it’s a shame.
It is a shame (as I said on your other thread!) but it’s the right thing as he wasn’t getting on with your girl, they couldn’t remain together.
I know you were keen for a trio, so perhaps there is another boy out there for them.
This is so sad I really really want to keep him. I’ve asked if he could possibly live alone along side my girls I’ve got 4 foot spare in my living room to make a L shaped cage. So if I got the 3x2 cage and adapted my girls bit so they have 2 foot less he will have 5 foot to himself and the girls will have the same. Waiting to hear back I know he probs needs a friend in with him but I’m desperate to keep him. He’s a lovely little thing.
Is getting him a friend a possibility?
If floor space is an issue, c&c cages can stack one on top of the other
(with that said a 5ft x 2ft cage is the perfect size for a boar/sow pair)
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