My Naughty, Aggressive Boar

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2011
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I have the most adorable boy, Zebedee. He has been with us since April. I initially got him to go with my other two boys, who lost their lifetime best pal - he passed away in Fbruary. It was really a massive shock to both the humans and piggies in our house. It was so sudden and he was adored by everyone.

My other two boys felt the loss immensely. They grieved for about a month afterwards. One of them, Oscar is an old man now, and has grown up with the boy that passed and I worried particularly about him, so I got Zebedee to cheer everyone up a bit and uplift my two boys.

Zebedee is a little peach. He's a happy little thing, about 1 and a half years old but very, very dominant. The place I got him from told me due to his dominance he will never bond with another pig. I refuse to be beat. He deserves a piggy pal. He's so full of aggression he even rumble struts and drrrrr's at me! He thinks he rules the world!

Since April I've tried him with my two boys many times and although Oscar, age 6 (my older one) and Zebedee are ok, he and Charlie who is 3, hate each other

I've bonded boars before and always been successful and had a few trios, never failed, until now.

The last time I tried bonding Zebedee with the Charlie and Oscar, Zebedee lunged at Charlie and Oscar and actually made Charlie's ear bleed. I think it's obvious my two and he aren't going to bond now :( but he can't be a lonely pig...he just can't!

Charlie and Oscar are best pals so there's no way I'm separating them for Oscar to live with Zebedee, so my question is...if I took Zebedee to a rescue that offers bonding, would they be able to make my boy happy and find him a pal for us to take home?

I'm in the High Peak in Derbyshire if anyone knows of any such rescues that can help?
That I don't know, I wondered what if you had Zebadee neutered, whether the aggression & domination would disappear.
You would need to chat to someone more knowledgeable than me.
I am sorry that you have not been able to bind Zebedee with your others boars. Trios are the least stable piggy groups, due to dominance behaviours. To work, everyone has to know and accept their place. It sounds as though Zebedee is just too dominant.

Neutering boars does not change their behaviour - it just render them infertile, so would make no difference to the dynamics. If you are prepared to take him dating, then you may be able to find him a new partner who he will accept. Not all rescues offer boar dating as it can be difficult. Please use the rescue locator at the top of the page to find nearby rescues and see if they have any suitable boars to date Zebedee with, I am sure that there must be a submissive boar out there who is ready to live with your Zebedee. Good luck.
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