My mid-life crisis!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
For some bizarre reason I now think I might fancy one of the guys who brings the Tesco order round. 2funny 2funny 2funny
It just seems a ridiculous thing! I have been on my own too long.

Anyway, this week I am going to ring that person (no names on forum ;D) at the hospital and see if he would come for a drink. Was going to do it tonight, but too chicken. ;D
I'd have myself a very large glass of wine tonight and phone him, no time like the present. What's to lose? Go on, you know you want to......................... O0
:o :o :o :o

Hope you've got a good broadband deal then 2funny 2funny 2funny
furryfriends said:
Lucinda said:
er the phone has broken down 2funny

stop making excuses woman! Come on, do it now! Otherwise you will be jumping on the Tesco man when he arrives! LOL

or us lot will beat you to it :laugh:
I can't do it, I am too scared. Really. Honestly.

He'll probably turn me down like so many others, so if I leave it another night, it's one more night of hope left ;D ;D ;D

Perhaps I could text later though - that's not so scary.
Lucinda said:
I can't do it, I am too scared. Really. Honestly.

He'll probably turn me down like so many others, so if I leave it another night, it's one more night of hope left ;D ;D ;D

Perhaps I could text later though - that's not so scary.

You scared!? From what you've told me, you ain't nothing of the sort! LOL
Right then I say you ring or text this sexy guy and ask him to go out with you on FRIDAY come everyone who says she should GO FOR IT ;)
I'll do it tomorrow. ;D

He'll be at work now as he does nights and I don;t want to do it when he's at work.

Till tomorow then. ::)
Like i've said before, tomorrow never comes. DO IT NOW!! Who cares if he's on nights. You'll put a smile on his face what ever answer he gives you.(Which will prob be a yes)
Go for it lovey!

Whats the worst that can happen? And the best ...... ?
Mid Life Crisis, you're not bloody old what the hell you talking about girlie, pft you're still young and gorgeous and any man would be crazy not accept you :)
Go for it...
We're waiting..... ;)
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