my males, a little help please

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New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
North Devon (on a farm)
ive had my boys for a while but not yet a year now and i tried to put my young boars together as they used to live together but after they played 'ring around the posies' a little too hard i separated them,
i try to keep them contacted with each other like letting them see + smell each other.
so tried recently to put them together on the grass, no smells no territories just grass and keeping the bigger one (pie) face away cause he seems more likely to bite ,
but the slightly smaller one (pudding) just kept trying to breed with him (i got lovely pig jizz on me) i'm so worried what they might do to each other ...
i had a incident years ago with two males they basically got out (niece let them out and the rabbits) and bit chunks of flesh off , i really don't want that again but i was hoping to put them in a run ...
will that ever happen..? is there a guinea pig breeding season ? they calm down ?
I'm not used to having boys only girls any help will be a bonus ,
thank you in advance
Unless there is blood drawn you need to just leave them together to sort themselves out, separating and re-introducing them will only make it more stressful. There may well be a lot of rumblestrutting and mounting, it's perfectly normal so don't worry :) turning one away won't do anything at all only prolong getting this behaviour out the way and confuse them. introduce them on neutral territory, if there's no fights thoroughly clean a cage out and everything in it and let them settle. make sure there's lots of places to hide, to get away should they want a break, and more than one food bowl to lessen squabbles. once they settle you can take the extra one out. but if you want them to live together you do need to let them get on with it and get to know each other. it's like someone putting you in a house with someone you've met once and expecting you to be able to live together without any problems or asking each other any questions about each other :)
Hiya - mounting is normal mild dominance behaviour, unless it is nonstop for hours so that the humped boar can't eat or sleep.

You may find these threads here helpful to determine what is normal and what is aggressive behaviour, and how to introduce them properly.!-Simple-Dominance-Displays-or-Fighting

These two threads contain tips and video clips of how to stage intros and what are acceptable behaviours during that time, or when to call it shots; boar bonds are based on character compatibility:

Best of luck!
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