my lonely Reggie

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Hi everyone you might have read in my other thread that i was tryin to bond my 2 boars Ronnie and Reggie?

Well I've finally given up now they have had really big fights every time i get them anywhere near each other well the other night they fought so bad that i had to literally pull them apart and when i picked up Ronnie he was injured pretty bad there was blood everywhere all over me him and the floor!
the injury wasn't too bad just a bite on his foot but it's really upset me! :'(

Anyway now Reggie's sittin in a great big hutch all by himself just staring into space all day looking really sad, I was wondering if it was worth getting him neutered and putting him in with the girls (although i can't at the moment as ones pg!) but I've heard that it's really dangerous!

or maybe maybe if my pregnant sow has a boar tryin to bond him with on of those but i really wouldn't want him to hurt a baby he was really nasty and his normally the nicest piggy you'll ever meet! sorry to go on

so what do you think?
ive never had boars so i dont really know! but i think i would try him with a baby and in the worst case scenario i would probably get him neutered and give him a gf, sorry i cant be much help, but good luck with whatever you decide O0
Yep deffo try him with a baby but with bucketloads of caution! if that fails then really consider the snip - I've never heard of it being "really dangerous" except of course for the risk of anaesthetic. Good luck - please let us know what you decide and how you get on. O0
yeah i think thats wot I'm going to do thanks for you help i'll let you know how it goes! :smitten:
pippa had 2 boys would it be a good idea to try and put them both in with reggie? how would i go about it? they are 3 weeks on wednesday! :-\
I put two baby brothers in with my 6month old boar with a lot of caution several months ago and they are all living together happily but I still keep a close eye on them, I have found with trios of boars you have to be very careful about one of them getting bullied by the others. We had three brothers that lived together happily until they were a year old, but unfortunately one got bullied and had to be seperated, we paired him with a baby and they are living happily now.
I would say pairing one baby with an older boar can work really well but to put two it takes a bit more work and supervision.
Ours spend time in a divided cage where they can see and smell each other if all seems well they are introduced during supervised floor time on neutral territory, I always introduce guinea on a 1 to 1 so when mixing three I have two playing and one being cuddled by my OH so I have hands free just in case, then we rotate each time, after two have been in together on a blanket they are stroked with a blanket with the scent of the third and visa versa so they all end up smelling the same. The two babies are allowed to play a while before they go back to their cage to be sure they are not going to have a falling out after one had played with the older boar. It takes a while but it can sometimes work. We did this with Rex guineas who generally seem more chilled than usual boars.
When they are first put in a cage together we use a different cage to their divided one so that no-one can get territorial about which is 'their' end of the cage.
We have found once a boar has had bad experiences with other boars they do become more defensive and need some time to get used to the idea, some of our boars live in divided cages next to each other for company but with a mesh divider so everyone is safe. They quite happily live next door to each other after a few occasional initial rumbles. One of our boars is so hump crazy he has to live on his own as he is a nightmare near any pigs, he can see and hear other guineas but always has wheeks for me and lots of cuddles.
Good luck with your guineas O0
awww thank you i just really don't want any lonely piggies i like the idea of the divider though that might work as reggies in a huge hutch all by himself! :smitten:
i put reggie in with one of the babies at floor time yesterday and reggie seemed really calm and curious there was no sign of aggression at all although when reggie tried to mount the little one i compleatly panicked and pulled him out.
i know it sounds silly but reggie compleatly covered the poor little guy although the baby didn't seem too worried! should i of just left him in there ? ?
I think that is normal. I bonded my Dave with a baby boar, and Dave got all horny, but it calmed down by nightime, and they were fine. Find a box or something, and cut a hole in it that the baby can fit into, but not the big boar. That way the baby can escape if he's had enough.

I would keep trying with this before deciding to castrate him.

I have 2 castrated boars though, and the ops went smoothly and they healed well.
Yeah I would've left them together for a while longer but obviously under supervision. Don't blame you for being cautious though. Good luck O0
yeah i will definatly try again i just get really paranoid because the babies are still so little and reggies no light weight! ;D
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