my little lot

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score

muffin trying to have breakie in piece!


she leaves it to the guinea pigs


Piglet have a treat of dried apricot
Is it safe? The rabbit looks massive and it might not be safe because he could accidently squash one :-\
They dont co-habit in the wild so shouldnt really in captivity :-\

The piggies are cute :smitten:
I don't know much about rabbits and GP's together, but I have read that they should be kept separate.
Cute piggies and cute bunny, but they shouldn't be kept together if they are and if their not then O0
PLEASE don't panic they DO NOT live together!The hutch is the rabbits ,every morning open the hutch for the guinea pigs, feed them first,then open the rabbits hutch to feed them and there are the guinea pigs walking up the ramp to the rabbits dish.I've even locked the guinea pigs in their hutch for awhile but they still go and help themselves to the rabbits food.(science selective)I was really worried at first when i got the guinea pigs,but the rabbits are really good with the guinea pigs,have not seen any nasty behaviour.Both Domino & Muffin have been neutered and spayed so they are very mild.The hutches are in a 'pen' that is about 12ft by 18ft.Lots of space for all.Most of the time they have the garden too,which is about 25ft by 30ft.Also escape proof!If anyone needs any more information or even photos to see how they are kept,I'm willing to do so!Just ask,I will not be offended! O0 O0
Aw don't worry i don't think anyone was accusing you ! everyone just wants the best for the piggies but if they're not kept together it's all good :) x
I know everyone here is 'just concerned' and I didn't take any offence in people wondering,because you cannot see how they are kept in the photo!But thanks jnenbub x

O0 O0 I just thought that I would explained to people how they are kept,okey dokey! O0
Yes I am sorry if I offended you in anyway. But glad to hear you keep them seperate O0
nobody has offended me at all,so please you do not need to apologise!

O0 but thanks anyway vikkixcrissomxgizmo O0
Gorgeous piggies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Gosh that rabbit is HUUUGGGEEE but very cute :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Cheeky piggies stealing food why is it everyone elses food is better my piggies are like it in their run they always want the grass on the outside and try and pull it through tut tut never satisfied!
They all look gorgeous. :smitten: I hadn't thought of trying my boys with a piece of dried apricot for a treat but maybe I should O0
Well they all try a little of every thing! did try dried cranberrys,dates,raisins.Guineas only liked the raisins, the bunny liked the rest!
Muffin is a 'English' or Butterfly,I think she is a pure breed,she is a rescue bunny from pawzforthought.
I'm not being patronising or checking up on you, but can I see pics of youre arrangment? Cause my ccage is starting to get old, and we might need a new one. And we have a rabbit and two guineas, so we could try your setup as it sounds succesfull. :)
Can we have pics?
Awww cute can i see more piccies please too thatd be great to see where they live id be proud of showing it off ! ;D ;D


The three hutches together.

view from the path next to the rabbits hutch!

the carpet is usually down,just up so you can see the inside.The ramp is fixed to the leg,the piece of c&c is to stop Muffin from jumping onto the hen hutch!The c&c under the hutch is 'shut up' because the rabbits go underneath and i cannot get them out. Its left open in a daytime.Any questions please just ask.I will not be offended by an queries!
It looks amazing! I wish I could do something like that but my parents wouldnt let me and the gardens small enough as it is.
Your pets must love it :)
WOW how big is the area they have to run around in? my set up is similar but on a smaller scale
How cute are they and your rabbit looks lovely. :smitten:

I'v never tried mine with dried apricot, however, i hear a lot of clients at the vets say how much their piggies like it.
The pen is about 12ft by 18ft ish.Then the garden is about 40ft long by 30ft wide all measurements are in footish! O0
Your bunnies & piggies are gorgeous! :smitten:

Your set-up looks fantastic too! :)
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