Junior Guinea Pig
I've had Elliot since February. He's a little star and whenever I go into the pigs' room he's the first to greet me. He stands on his back two legs with his paws on the pigs home and wheeks wheeks.
While he's in his home he lets me tickle him under his chin, on his cheeky cheek cheeks, on his head and he especially likes me rubbing his shoulders. During free range time on the floor he occasionally lets me tickle his head, but mostly he's too frightened to properly trust me like my George does. Even the newest baby, Oscar lets me handle him more than Elliot does.
Elliot is very fast and does everything to evade being picked up. The other two just let me do it. I've checked him for mites incase it was painful for him to be handled, but he's fine. I think he's just scared.
I thought of maybe sitting with Elliot forhalf an hour or so a day and letting him get used to trusting me. Today I had 15 minutes with him alone without the other 2 pigs and I was speaking softly and telling him how much I loved him and that he was my little owly pig (he looks like an owl with his agouti speckled fur!) and eventually he looked at me and was putting his face near my hand to have more tickles. He made my heart burst with cuteness.
The only other thing I can think of because the other 2 pigs are tame and Elli is afraid of me, is when he was a tiny baby and first came to me he had conjunctivitis and twice a day I had to bathe his eye and put his eye drops in and it must've been painful or uncomfortable for him and perhaps he has associated me with doing things to him that he dislikes.
Anyway, if anyone can offer any advice to make Elliot love and trust me like I love him, please tell me what I can do because he's a little darling, quiet pig and I really want him to feel comfortable around me, even out the security of his home.
While he's in his home he lets me tickle him under his chin, on his cheeky cheek cheeks, on his head and he especially likes me rubbing his shoulders. During free range time on the floor he occasionally lets me tickle his head, but mostly he's too frightened to properly trust me like my George does. Even the newest baby, Oscar lets me handle him more than Elliot does.
Elliot is very fast and does everything to evade being picked up. The other two just let me do it. I've checked him for mites incase it was painful for him to be handled, but he's fine. I think he's just scared.
I thought of maybe sitting with Elliot forhalf an hour or so a day and letting him get used to trusting me. Today I had 15 minutes with him alone without the other 2 pigs and I was speaking softly and telling him how much I loved him and that he was my little owly pig (he looks like an owl with his agouti speckled fur!) and eventually he looked at me and was putting his face near my hand to have more tickles. He made my heart burst with cuteness.
The only other thing I can think of because the other 2 pigs are tame and Elli is afraid of me, is when he was a tiny baby and first came to me he had conjunctivitis and twice a day I had to bathe his eye and put his eye drops in and it must've been painful or uncomfortable for him and perhaps he has associated me with doing things to him that he dislikes.
Anyway, if anyone can offer any advice to make Elliot love and trust me like I love him, please tell me what I can do because he's a little darling, quiet pig and I really want him to feel comfortable around me, even out the security of his home.