My Herbie's noises can someone help me please

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I have owned a lovely guinea pig called Herbie for about 7-8 months now and he is a lovely little guy (well he is quite big really but I call him little.) Anyway I have never owned a guinea pig before and this is my first time. I got him when I found him in my parents back garden as he seems to have been dumped in there, so I took him home and I love him very much. What I want to ask is about their noises as I don't always understand what he wants by the way he squeaks at me. I know the one for 'come on mum where's my breakfast/dinner' but he also makes noises that are a bit high pitched sometimes if I leave the room he will make them. Or he does this thing with his teeth or when he is lying on me he will make this sweet noise not like a purr more of a cute rumble? I would love to know if I'm treating him right as he gets spoiled by me and I don't know if he is happy on his own as my other half knows I havent really got a lot of room (Herbie is an indoor guinea pig who gets the run of my flat) Any help would be great as I just don't know if I'm doing it right.

He gets fed (I think a bit too much) twice a day, he comes out for a run around a couple of hours a day, I pick him up and love him (sometimes when he is in his own towel on my lap he will lie on his side and go to sleep on me) But I would love ANY help you can all give me.

Also would someone please tell me how I can put a picture up of him please as i would love you all to see my gorgeous little guinea pig.

Thank you for all your help in advance

Sarah and Herbie
Hiya, welcome to the forum!
It sounds like you are a wonderful piggy mummy and he sounds like a very contented little guy. The fact that he goes to sleep on your lap means he trusts you and is happy. His wheeking when you leave the room possibly means "come back mummy". Some may advise getting another guinea to keep him company but in your case I am not so sure. You give him lots of attention which is what they love as they are very sociable animals. You could pop down to your vets and see if they can guage his appox age and consider getting him neutered and getting a female piggy wife for him but as you don't know how old he is..perhaps he is too old?
I think everything sounds perfect the way it is!
As for uploading photos, best thing to do is get a photobucket account (it`s free) and look under photo gallery for info on uploading photos. We would love to see him :smitten: :smitten:
Others may advise you differently about getting him a pal, this is just my personal opinion :D
Hi Lavender, I hope I am a good mummy to Herbie as he is such a wonderful little guy. I would get him a friend but as he is a rescue and I did ask vet if they had any idea how old but we weren't sure how old he is. He does seem to chase my cat around sometimes thinking she wants to play when actually she is thinking of him as food (she has never got him i would never let her) I will try loading up the pics so here goes.

Herbie on my bed

Herbie doing his favourite thing EATING LOL
Awww he is lovely :smitten: :smitten:Welcome to the forum both of you!
ahhh he's adorable, and i think he's very lucky to have you as his mummy
welcome to the forum by the way
x paula
Hi Everyone, Thank you all for your welcome's I was wondering if anyone could tell me what sort of breed Herbie is as I think he might be a crested guinea pig but i'm not sure which one. I don't know if you can tell that he has got a strange little fur thing going on on top of his head and I believe this is some sort of crest just not sure which. He is a very good boy he loves his parsley and his dandelion leaves which my other half gives to him a couple of times a week. He can certain be demanding when he wants his food as sometimes if i'm not up when he wants his breakfast he squeaks for me to get up and feed him which is very funny. He is a good guinea pig and my mum loves him as well. It was quite funny as when i told her I had found him in her back garden (she was on holiday with my dad at the time) she couldnt believ it and cam home and said now did you really find him or did you buy him and are you just saying you found him.

Anyway Herbie is in his hutch sleeping now so he is having nice dreams and I am just off to finish watching a film so goodnight all.

Sarah and Sleeping Herbie x (and Holly the cat)
Awww, he is gorgeous and he does sound like a very contented guinea pig. :smitten: I agree with lavenderjade about not getting him a companion due to I don't think another male would work and since you don't know how old he is neutering him could be to risky. By the looks of it he is a lilac and ginger crested guinea pig and a very handsome one a that. Welcome to the forum. O0
Hi all, Yes he is a gorgeous little fella I couldn't believe my luck when Ifound him I had been annoying my family and other half for a guinea pig for ages and then I found one (and my mum's next door neighbour who is a carpenter I think) Made me a hutch for Herbie for Free (now you can't get better than that now can you lol). ooohhhh a lilac and ginger crested guinea pig sounds very posh that does wait until i tell my other half about that.

Thank you all so much for your help and for being so friendly. As soon as i get my mums camera off her i shall take some more pics of Herbie when I have a chance.

Sarah x
pardon me for been silly but are there any pictures of Jasmine and Poppy on here

thanks Puggie it will give me something to look forward to after i have been to have my hair cut and go to the doctors i will see if i can get my mum to bring her camera to the hairdressers tomorrow and i will bring it home and take some more of Herbie if he is ok with it lol.
shard25 said:
thanks Puggie it will give me something to look forward to after i have been to have my hair cut and go to the doctors i will see if i can get my mum to bring her camera to the hairdressers tomorrow and i will bring it home and take some more of Herbie if he is ok with it lol.

hey youre welcome,Ive not taken any of those two lately and theyve grown since last time,big time
I know this sounds silly but how big are guinea pigs actually meant to be? The vet said that Herbie is well looked after if a little bit on the heavy side but he seems to be a long guinea pig and he is a bit big. Sorry I have no clue about guinea pigs all i know is how to clean him out (ok ok so the other half does that cause I ask him too lol) how to love him and how to feed him and take care of him (the guinea pig not the other half he can take care of himself)
;D Guinea pig sizes and weights can range quite a bit, their shape can as well. He doesn't look on the heavy side and it is always better for guineas to carry a little bit of extra weight anyway. Do you know how much he weighs? :)
I Think he's overweight :'( :'( :'( :'( he seems to weigh almost 1200g that can't be right surely. Does this mean I am mistreating him I hope i'm not as I love the little guy loads. what can I do? please help all this has upset me. Maybe I should measure him too to see if that can make a difference.
He really doesnt look overweight, my 2 sows, Muffin and Crumpet are nearly 1kg each, but they are just chunky and happy :) You dont sound like you are overfeeding them I really wouldnt worry, for a boar that isnt too bad a weight anyway, and as has been said, weights and sizes vary a lot. You sound like an amazinf piggie mummy :) And Herbie is just dashing :smitten:

Cat x 0:)
Hi Cat, Thank you hun no maye your right maybe he is just my lovely chunky Herbie. He is a very loving guinea pig and a good boy as well even if he is a little scamp sometimes lol one of his favourtie things is to run after the cat naughty boy that he sometimes is. Funny thing is the cat runs away from him.

Oh well hope everyone is well
My boar weighs about 2 lbs., about 900 grams. For his body mass he's about ideal weight, i think it just depends on how big their body structure is.
My boar weighs 1100g and he's not overweight. He's a good size, he's been steady at that weight for a while now.
Increase his floor time if you're worried, sure he'll enjoy it too.
Agree, he doesn't seem overweight and like I have said having a little bit of extra weight on is better anyway. O0
;D my guinea pigs do that all the time because happy(usualy because its feeding time) but i think its normal
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