My Heart Is Breaking For Queso :(

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
As you know, I adopted a piggie about a month ago. His companion had died about a month prior to my adoption. He's gotten used to us well and shows us his little personality quirks, however lately I've noticed he sometimes chatters his teeth when he's alone, will stay in one spot for a long period of time, and just isn't as happy as I think he could be.

Us adopting him was because the other owner begged us to. Her boyfriend had died and the piggie was not being treated well. His life has dramatically improved since we adopted him, but he's still lonely.

The problem is we're moving in September and every single penny we have is going towards that. Adopting another pig for us will cost $335 and we just don't have any extra money to do it. We won't have the money to adopt another pig until October.

Can anyone help me make Queso happier while he's a lone piggie? I'm with him all day, every day. But I know I'm not the same as another piggie.
You can use a mirror and/or guinea pig pictures and play guinea pig sounds/videos regularly, so he keeps on perceiving himself as a guinea pigs.
I tried this, but he doesn't seem to see himself in the mirror and just wants to chew it. Also, he only reacted to piggie noises on the computer a few times before her just ignored it.
Just give him human company then. Piggies are not stupid - he has figured out that the mirror and the noises are not real piggies...
I think it is wonderful what you have done for your boy so far.
It might not be ideal at the moment, but you have already improved his life immeasurably, and in October hopefully it will get better still.
Everyone has limits on how much they can do (time, money, space, etc) and right now you are doing everything possible, and I am sure October will come around faster than you think!
What you may want to do if you can is raise or put his pen on a table top say next to you if you are on a computer or couch so he feels in your company all the time at the same height. Or make sure he's in the room your most in. I had a friend who had a boar alone and he became really people friendly and like a dog he would like someone to walk up to or be by the side of the cage and then run off as if he's sneaking away from you or playing chase but by himself like some dogs do. He would run up wheek like "hey" and then dash off like a dog wanting to play fetch. He would popcorn so he was having fun. Then when you were in the other room he would make sounds like hey where did you go or hey bring me some more food of course. He hated when people left to gather in different rooms without him there. I don't remember if he was adopted as a baby and never knew another pig and thus got on with humans or just fell into it. You may want to try giving a small veg pieces spread out throughout day to give him happy boosts and get him to interact with you more. That was something i noticed my friend did too. A surpise veg at times kept him on his toes and would get him to approach people. This was all years ago.
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