My Guineas First Visit To The Vet/ Holding My Guinea


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 10, 2017
Reaction score
Kanagawa Japan
Yesterday I went to the vet because I've been seeing blood in he cage. Not a lot of blood just a few drips here and there. My vet told me that both of the guineas look fine and that it probably was a very small paper cut like cut that healed quickly after because nothing is wrong with them. He said i worry too much. lols
My vet also told me that i need to hold them more. He said that they looked happy or calmed down once they were held.

I guess my question is do guineas really like to be held?
and is it okay?

I didn't hold them much because i was trying to establish trust with them first. I didn't think guinea pigs liked to be pet. But my vet told me that I should do it.

I think you should take it at your own pace and the pace your Piggies want to go at.

Some Piggie will like to be held and pet more then others, and that's ok,
Ideally you want to be doing about weekly health checks which is a good way to get them used to being held! You can check their body, nails, ect then so any issues are found super quick!

If you feel ready to hold them more maybe try to hold them for a few minutes of however long they seem happy for every other day,
You know pretty soon when they want to go back as they get very restless! :)

I think Guinea Pigs like any other animal can have personal preference towards human contact but on a whole most like being held and pet when they realise they aren't in any danger, before that they can be a little skittish and nervous because they don't know yet :)
Personally, after giving them a couple days to settle, I like to make sure to hold new pigs at least one a day. I let them hide in a blanket and just touch them, talk to them, and offer treats. It has never taken any of my pigs long to realize that I'm harmless and to enjoy being petted. Some pigs enjoy human contact more than others... I had some that would lay on my lap long enough for me to watch a movie and others that would sit for ten minutes and then get restless and want to go. I follow their lead in that regard. But I do want them all to be comfortable being handled, if only because I need to be able to handle them for health checks, if they needs meds, if they need grooming or nails cut, etc. I had one rescued hedgehog who was never handled prior to when I rescued her and she never got used to being picked up. Medical issues/grooming was a nightmare with her! Of course, guinea pigs don't have the spikes so will never be as hard as an angry hedgehog, but I did want them accustomed to being held and honestly, all of my pigs liked being petted and some of them quite clearly LOVE it!
I prefer to hold them for reasons for cutting their nails, worming, shampoo'ing and general picking them up from their hutch into their outdoor runs so they become familiar with the procedure. Captain Jack my avatar, comes running up to the side of the run and patiently puts his two front paws on my laid out hand to pick him up to go back to his hutch...mind you, he's super special and has been with me a long time, but it makes it easier than chasing them around their enclosure when things need to be done.
Tia loves to be held. She'll be quite happy to sit still on my lap for an hour or two. It is nice that you are going to let them go at their own pace. I have had my mine for a couple of years. I'm still chasing mine around the cage once I get them Out. they are fine. Lol