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My guinea was choking and I'm not sure if he's fully ok now.. Help and advuce wanted please🙏


New Born Pup
Nov 19, 2022
Reaction score
So about 20-25 mins ago my (roughly) 2 year old Guinea Pig dunkin was choking. We aren't sure on what specifically but we were able to get him breathing again. But even though he's breathing again and his lips aren't white anymore I still worry he isn't fully well. He's panting or wheezing in a way and seems super exhausted. I'm scared that there is still something wrong with him. The rest of my family says he's just super stressed and needs time, but I'm not sure and need more opinions on this. Sadly we don't have enough money to take him to the vet immediately. We've scheduled an appointment in advance for 2 weeks but I'm scared.
It’s better to get him seen now if possible, maybe he has a sore throat after the incident.
What do you use for substrate. I wonder whether this caused his choking.
Probably his throat is still just a little sore. I’m sure it won’t last long.
How many piggy’s have you got.
We use cloth Matt's instead of substrate so it wasn't that. We only have the one (he's aggressive and extremely territorial toward othes and he just preferred to be alone, there is always someone with him though so he never gets lonely.) But his panting has gotten calmer and it's not as harsh or rushed anymore it's close to normal.
We use cloth Matt's instead of substrate so it wasn't that. We only have the one (he's aggressive and extremely territorial toward othes and he just preferred to be alone, there is always someone with him though so he never gets lonely.) But his panting has gotten calmer and it's not as harsh or rushed anymore it's close to normal.


I hope that the blockage in the airways has cleared and that your piggy has recovered.

I hope that the blockage in the airways has cleared and that your piggy has recovered.
Thank you 🙏. He choked again late that night but I think he might have swallowed it this time because his breathing is clear but fast this time. He's eating but I haven't seen him drink yet. But I think he's doing better this time. I just hope that in Time his breathing regulates.
Thank you 🙏. He choked again late that night but I think he might have swallowed it this time because his breathing is clear but fast this time. He's eating but I haven't seen him drink yet. But I think he's doing better this time. I just hope that in Time his breathing regulates.


If it happens regularly, then he needs to be seen by a vet. It means that the blockage is not fully gone or that there is another problem.

Please keep weighing him on your kitchen scales. Keep in mind that hay makes at least three quarters of what a guinea pig needs to eat in a day - you cannot control that by eye. Veg and 1 tablespoon of pellets a day together only replace the supplementary role that wild forage used to have in addition to fresh or dried grass. If you just watch a piggy nibbling, you cannot really assess whether they are properly eating or not. The scales cannot lie and - unlike poos, which always run at least a day behind the event horizon - will give you an up to date feedback of what is going on.
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pigs Safely (videos)
Weight - Monitoring and Management

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment