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My guinea pigs pee is red/orange.


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2021
Reaction score
United States of America
Hi there. One of my guineas pig’s pee has been a bright red orange color for the last few days. When I first saw it, i tried looking it up and seeing if it was dangerous, but it doesn’t seem to been. I’ve been keeping an eye on her, and, to me it seems like she’s been a bit more lethargic, but i’m not sure if that’s just me being paranoid. I was wondering if anyone knew the causes for this , and if there’s anything i can do.
Hello. Is the urine coming out that colour or drying to that colour? Urine can oxidise when it dries. Which is ok. You could try popping her on a white towel or blanket and waiting for her to go to check. If you think her behaviour has changed or if the urine is coming out that colour I’d get her checked out by the vet as you know her normal behaviour.
Hello. Is the urine coming out that colour or drying to that colour? Urine can oxidise when it dries. Which is ok. You could try popping her on a white towel or blanket and waiting for her to go to check. If you think her behaviour has changed or if the urine is coming out that colour I’d get her checked out by the vet as you know her normal behaviour.
It’s been coming out that color.
Hey y’all, sorry about how long it took to update. She did have a UTI, and my vet prescribed her some antibiotics for it. On her return visit a few days ago, the vet retested her urine, and she was cleared. Thank you guys for all of the help. :)
Hey y’all, sorry about how long it took to update. She did have a UTI, and my vet prescribed her some antibiotics for it. On her return visit a few days ago, the vet retested her urine, and she was cleared. Thank you guys for all of the help. :)
I'm glad your guinea pig is doing better!